If so, will you please interpret it for me? I can't understand a f*cking thing they're saying. If you don't understand it, just make something up. I won't know the difference.
OKAY!they're saying "that saying your no fun make something up is the same as being told .. Smile for me .. so present your throat so I can punch it .. OLÈ! " ;)
I've never get sensors except for a when I yell at people when I first joined ... I kept get told was personal attacks. But it wasn't. I just yell at people who are idiots so it was fine. Oh and also one time I posted song had word f*ck in it a million times.. that I understood that.
Nope. When I was a kid I can remember times when out in the stix me and dad sometimes pick up AM border blasters when the nighttime conditions for DXing were just right. There were a few FM and AM ones I listened to when out west too.
I feel a hot wind on my shoulder and a touch of a world that's older. I turn the switch on and check the number. Leave it on in bed as I slumber. I hear the rhythms and the music, I buy the product and never use it. I hear the voice of the dj. I can't understand a thing that he say.