Is that a BRICK in your pocket ....??? Or are ya... WOW! Don hated it when they came out with pagers. I think this was about the same time as time thing in your pocket!
Guess what happened yesterday on my day off? I had to text work. I lost my 800 dollar phone. Uninsured.
I drove to work frantic, hoping I'd left it there. I did not. BUT? The guy at the desk found it for me by locating where it was through the computer. It pulled up a MAP and said that my phone was in my house.
THAT IS AMAZING. So, that is great, but too bad I don't know how to do that. It was about 20 steps.
Ok, who are you really, and what have you done with Jane S? I've got a STACK of restraining orders jammed in my mailbox, she didn't worry about feelings then! Grrrrrrrrrr. :(