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If proven TRUTHS destroy your dearly and long-held beliefs would you rather not know and embrace abject ignorance till you die? Why?

Posted - October 14, 2017


  • 5354
    The thing is that "TRUTH" is practically impossible to prove. It is a word that gets thrown about a lot, but it has very little inherent value.
    What is true? and worse yet "what is Truth" (capitalized as it so often is by those who promote one and only one doctrine).

    Hpld your hand in front of your face, and think a bit. How can you prove that that is your hand? Try it?

    "It is mine because it moves when I want it to"? Oh yea, Now you must prove that it is not someone else reading your mind and making the motions for you.
    Whatever proof you try to make can be undermined by such alternative explanations. To really prove it you must effectively disprove each and every one of all the possible alternative explanations.

    It is very very difficult to prove that any given datum is TRUE. Pick an easy one, and try to prove that, then think up 5 alternative explanations for your 'proof. Good luck
      October 14, 2017 5:48 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Cogito ergo sum. Je pense donc je suis.
    What makes you think I HAVE to prove true to you or anyone?  Seriously? I don't wish to convince you of what I hold true. All I wish to do is share it with you.

    It is true that I am a Progressive Liberal. It is  true that I am an American. It is true that my parents were of Armenian ancestry. It is true that I like veggies and dislike raw protein. It is true that my favorite author is John Steinbeck (from whom I have a cherished letter written to  me before his death). It is true that I live in Hemet California. It is true that I LOVE Lamborghinis. It is true that I deplore comedians who insult others to get laughs. It is true that I dislike those who sincerely believe they are "better than" others because of wealth or education or social station or power or success. It is true that I have a fear of heights. It is true that home is my favorite place in the entire world and always has been. It is true that I prefer subtle humor that stems from kindness/intelligence not cruelty. It is true that I am a fan of quantum physics, enjoy scifi literature, jazz and classical music It is true that I deplore selfish greedy cold-hearted people and am drawn to those who aren't. It is true that I try to surround myself with smart people from whom I can learn how to aspire to be a better person. It is true that I will never run out of questions to ask. It is true that I will continue to ask them until I don't wish to do so any more and then it is true I shall stop. Shall I continue JakobA? Thank you for your reply. We disgree. So?
      October 14, 2017 6:02 AM MDT