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Discussion » Questions » Death and Dying » Violence attracts and appeals to the violent. That is what brings people to terrorism and hate groups. A promise of eventual violence . Sad?

Violence attracts and appeals to the violent. That is what brings people to terrorism and hate groups. A promise of eventual violence . Sad?

Posted - October 19, 2017


  • 1326
    It truly is sad that many are raised on a steady diet of violent programming and sadistic movies from childhood. It's learned behavior encouraged from the very ones who should protect them and not allow them such exposure at such a young age.
      October 20, 2017 10:24 PM MDT

  • 113301
    There are video games that are all about killing and murder and mayhem. The more kills you get the higher the points and whoever kills the most the fastest wins. Well honestly I don't know for sure if there are such games Autumn. I'm not really familiar with any of them having never played any. But it is a culture of violence. Though I believe they're illegal they still have dog fights and cock fights. What are bull fights but violence and possible death? Then there are Fight Clubs or at least there was a movie about them which I did not see. And there are the road rage assaults where the enraged shoot at those whom they feel cut in front of them or whatever . For awhile people driving on freeways were getting shot at by those standing on bridges! Real-life video games? SIGH. I dunno what it is that causes some to be drawn to the dark side of life. Thank you for your reply Autumn and Happy Saturday! :)
      October 21, 2017 2:13 AM MDT