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Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » Perhaps not all liars are responsible for attempted deception. If they have been brainwashed how are they at fault? Do the brainwashed know?

Perhaps not all liars are responsible for attempted deception. If they have been brainwashed how are they at fault? Do the brainwashed know?

If you are inculcated with lies 24/7 day after day after day after day after day at some point you will believe them to be true. You have been brainwashed by those with ulterior motives. False memories also can be implanted  for those who are very gullible. Especially is this true if those falsehoods comport with political  beliefs you already hold.  YOU  WANT to  believe whatever anyone says that supports your prejudices. So lies are the weapon of choice. Do the brainwashed bear any responsibility for the lies they believe/tell if they truly "believe" they are all true? How? Aren't they mentally dysfunctional due to the bad actions/intentions of others?

Posted - October 21, 2017
