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A huge trust issue has hit me out of the blue. And papa knows best.

I once carelessly logged in with my partner watching. Unknown to me, he had noted my password and was secretly monitoring my posts as well as my private messages. A recent private message exchange did not "appeal" to him and he "punished" me by deleting my account yesterday. He admitted to it last evening when I mentioned that I found my account was mysteriously deleted. 

We aren't a couple anymore as of last night. 

He happens to be my work colleague and teammate, and I cannot continue in the same company any longer. Fortunately a couple of head hunters have me on their list and I've been receiving expressions of interest quite regularly. I've been ignoring them thus far out of a sense of loyalty to the firm I've served for close to 19 years, and also because some of the offers would have required me to relocate, which I do not want to for personal and family reasons.

But now it's time to look elsewhere and I shall seriously relook at a couple of earlier opportunities in my area. A different field of business might also be a welcome change. The break will be a wrench for me, but my mind is quite made up. Having lived alone, I have enough savings to see me through. 

I drove over to my parents and had a long discussion with them late into last night. My mother was very much aggrieved and sympathetic; my father never trusted the man and had warned me that he was devious, but I had foolishly refused to accept it. He was happy that "that bastard swine" was finally out of my life. Verily, papa knows best.

Posted - October 30, 2017
