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Discussion » Questions » Computers and the Internet » Kaspersky software. A Russian trojan horse. Why would we ever use it? Wouldn't that give a hostile foreign nation too much access?

Kaspersky software. A Russian trojan horse. Why would we ever use it? Wouldn't that give a hostile foreign nation too much access?

It seems that some US intelligence agency flagged it as a potential threat in 2004! I guess that flag was ignored and Kaspersky software was used in various government agencies. Doesn't make sense to me to use it. Was there no AMERICAN-made software that could do as well if not better? Isn't using it an invitation to "the enemy" to eavesdrop, look over your shoulder, monitor and be privy too the inner workings of your government? After Mike Flynn was fired apparently he contacted Kaspersky and for whatever reason he was hired by them paid by them. For doing what? It looks bad. Is it?

Posted - November 23, 2017
