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Do you ever refrain from answering a question even though you believe you have a very good answer? Why?


Posted - July 30, 2016


  • 7939

    Yes. Sometimes the cost of giving a very good answer is not worth the return. 

      July 30, 2016 4:45 AM MDT

  • 219

    Yes...sometimes. Mainly in cases where my reply to the question would involve personal unpleasant experiences and I don't want to share those with everyone.. also because if I did share horrible life experiences for example it may remind someone else of there ''own'' traumatic experience and I don't want to stir up horrible memories for them just for the sake of me answering a question, so for that reason I simply refrain from answering.

      July 30, 2016 5:37 AM MDT

  • 113301

    But you contribute to the general discussion and advance the possibilities of learning things you didn't know. Some very lengthy threads develop from modest questions. People see what you have to say and respond and you  in turn read what they have to say and respond and pretty soon people are sharing ideas and thoughts. Even if you just contribute your answer and never return to that thread it might just be the catalyst to spark things along. You never know how your participation might be of great benefit to others. Just a thought. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturdayy! :)

      July 30, 2016 7:42 AM MDT

  • 113301

    That's really too bad. Of course we cannot control who shows up to respond or what they have to say. It's very risky. I take chances every time I ask a question. I ask a lot of questions. Once in awhile an insulter shows up. But that doesn't bother me at all. I know who they are by now and I simply ignore them. I never read what they post. That way they do not exist. Of course there is always that one time you will have to read what they say to see what kind of person it is. After that you are in complete control. Most of the folks who answer are thoughtful,  helpful and often very knowledgeable. For me the risk is always worth it. Or I wouldn't keep asking so many questions. I hope you change your mind. You never know of what benefit your answer could be to others. Thank you for your reply atj and Happy Saturday!  :)

      July 30, 2016 7:47 AM MDT

  • 113301

    I can understand that. I have at times in the past brought up subjects that others were sensitive to because it did bring up unpleasant memories for them. That is never my intention. I  always apologize of course and no one has ever gotten angry at me because how could I know it might be hurtful?. But here's the thing. Sometimes sharing your experiences can  be helpful to others who are going through the same thing. Wouldn't it be good to know that what you said was of benefit to someone? You have to do what makes you comfortable cb. Thank you for your reply and explanation. I appreciate it! Happy Saturday!  :)

      July 30, 2016 7:51 AM MDT

  • 113301

    I can understand that WW. I am an open book. I hold very little back. Not everyone is comfortable with doing that. The only time I will hold back is if it might jeopardize someone else's privacy which I would never knowingly do. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday!! :)

      July 30, 2016 7:54 AM MDT

  • 5808
    Am on cellphone these days
    Total different experience
    Hard to answer with
    My little fingers...haha
      July 30, 2016 8:15 AM MDT

  • 46

    I sometimes refrain from answering a question even though I believe I have a very good answer because I fear not to get recognition in return.

    What can happen is that I answer anyway because I write that answer to myself first, as I needed to read it. Then, whether others' recognition comes in return or not matters less.

    As far as I am concerned, it seems all to be a matter of need of recognition.

      August 2, 2016 1:54 PM MDT

  • 46117

    NO.  Unless someone else said it first.  Then there is no reason. 

      August 2, 2016 1:56 PM MDT

  • 113301

     Here's why I am here anton. To ask questions. If I don't ask them they badger me and drive me bonkers. I do not try to think up questions to ask. My brain is always teeming with them.  Once I ask a question I forget about it. I did what I wanted to do. Ask. Now if  folks like it and reply and I see it then I will go back to it and comment. But I ask so  many questions that I cannot possibly keep up with commenting on every reply. But I don't need to do so. There are many of my question threads that live their lives entirely separate from me. Folks respond and then comment and a dialogue begins among them that can get very long and no one ever misses me. I am not necessary. I asked the question. It is up to them to reply, comment or ignore. So every day I am happy because every day I can ask any question I want to ask. I don't need recognition. I would ask questions if no one ever answered them. I ask the questions for me because I have no choice. When I am really lucky l get some very thoughtful, useful, helpful and informative answers. Those are the best days of course. But recognition is not my cuppa tea. I am not a competitor. I do not need to be "best" or "better than". In fact I was a painfully shy child and often wished I were invisible. Different strokes anton. Thank you for your reply! :)

      August 5, 2016 4:44 AM MDT

  • 113301

    So you don't say what you think because someone else thinks the same thing?  Then you are depriving the person who asked the question of learning what YOU think. It's all about that Sharonna. Not about having every answer be different. If I ask a question and get ten replies, half of which are the same that lets me know what people are thinking. There is nothing wrong with consensus. I ask because I want to know that. I say you should tell us what you think even if others think the same thing. Just my two cents. Thank you for your reply.  There is always a reason to know what someone thinks. Always. No exceptions.

      August 5, 2016 4:47 AM MDT

  • 46

    Regarding the need of recognition, it's not a question of being a competitor, the "best" or "better than", as you wrote. As I see it, it's merely a question of not being/feeling ignored after answering.

      August 5, 2016 4:58 AM MDT

  • 113301

    So answering is not as important to you as being recognized for doing so?  The value lies not in what you contribute but what you are recognized for? I couldn't disagree with you more anton. Different strokes. I think value lies entirely in the contribution. You prefer to be recognized for what you contribute. Many people are like that. It's just how you are wired and certainly there is nothing wrong with that. It simply doesn't float my boat and it isn't my cuppa tea but it doesn't need to be. Thank you for your additional comment.

      August 5, 2016 6:14 AM MDT

  • 46

    You see, Rosie, I go with the flow here. I sincerely express myself in order to get feedback and improve myself.

    I'm realizing that 'need of recognition' is not the appropriate term. The root cause here, for me in this topic, is fear of rejection. That's what would prevent me from answering (in general). And there's a need of feedback, until the discussion is closed.

    This takes root is my youth-in-me and I've been working on that for years. Interacting helps me improve and answer.

      August 5, 2016 7:02 AM MDT