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Discussion » Questions » Language » Questions are useless/worthless/meaningless on their own. It is the answers that give them life meaning, purpose. Right?

Questions are useless/worthless/meaningless on their own. It is the answers that give them life meaning, purpose. Right?

Brilliant insightful thoughtful answers can elevate a question from the ordinary to the sublime. It isn't the question at all. It is HOW the respondent reacts to it and what the respondent brings to it. That is the ALL. That is the everything. That is what gives a question multiple dimensions. Smart-a** smartalec responses  reflect poorly on the person answering. Great answers similarly reflect the class of the person contributing it. The person asking the question is the least important part of it. Those who answer with thought and care and insight? They are the everything. They know whom they are. They are why I keep asking questions. Because sometimes I am blessed with their awesome answers!

Posted - November 28, 2017


  • 53412

      Yeah, right!  Picking and choosing only those answers that prop up one's lopsided, myopic, jaded, loopy perspective doesn't really foster much beyond sycophantic adoration. 

      Here's a challenge: if one proclaims that answers are important in any way yet never answers others' posts, how about breaking out of the shell once in a while?

      November 28, 2017 10:16 PM MST