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"Laugh and the world laughs with you...." unless you do something incredibly stupid. Then it laughs AT you. Are you the laugher or laughee?

America is the butt of the joke. Which joke? Take your pick. Is it America's obsession with guns? Is it that the prez is Donald John Trump? The laughter gets louder day by day. Currently it is thunderous. Give it time. It will be deafening, eardrum shattering and we shall all be deaf. SIGH.

Posted - November 29, 2017


  • 22891
    i would hope people arent laughing at me
      November 29, 2017 2:56 PM MST

  • 10787
    Oh, people definitely laugh at me.  I have a terrific sense of humor and love to make others laugh (I'm punny that way).

    I also communicate with people all over the world and, according to them, America is a laughing stock.  Not just because of Bozo the clown .. I  mean our  "president", but also because of how we (as people) behave.  Once Americans were thought of a good, benevolent people.  But now they have an image of being wealthy, fat, selfish slobs who demand that the rest of the world cater to them.  I, for one, am not like that and I'll bet many other Americans aren't either.  But it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the entire basket.  The world sees our news, our leaders as well as our tourists and workers that visit their countries.  That's all they have to go by to judge us (and we them).  Our news paints a picture of a selfish, divided country (MY rights, MY way).  Our leaders are corrupt (money, money, money). Some of our tourists act like spoiled brats (not all, but it's the bad that people remember most).  Some overseas workers aren't ethical; they want extra money just because they're "Americans" (again, not all). {When anyone visits/works in a foreign country, they're actually ambassadors for their home country.}

    America isn't just the butt of the joke, they've become a joke.  We can't point our fingers at others and say that they're to blame.  The blame lies on the shoulders of each and every American.  When someone points their finger at someone else, their other 4 fingers are pointing right back at themselves.

    In a way we are lazy.  We've allowed our country to be taken over by corrupt politicians, greedy corporations and people who think that their personal "rights" are more imperative that anyone else's.   While we pursue "things" - cars, houses, electronics and post cat pictures and emojis on our Twitter and Facebook accounts.  We complain that illegal aliens are taking over our country, yet they do the work we refuse to do (it's beneath us).  Yes, the world is laughing all right - it's laughing at US! This post was edited by Shuhak at November 30, 2017 3:28 AM MST
      November 29, 2017 4:37 PM MST

  • 113301
    Once again you have articulated beautifully what we have become. Those who did not vote for The Donald John recognized it immediately once he declared he was running. Those who support him live in a fantasy world where they believe the world now respects us because of the wondrous Donald John. How they got so screwed up in their perceptions I shall never understand. It is as if they went through The Looking Glass and dragged the rest of us with them. They are enraptured by the fine clothing of The Donald John who is clearly naked and hideous. They see him only through eyes of love and support and adoration. We are laughed at 24/7 worldwide. We are held in contempt rightfully so because a MINORITY elected  him prez and the powers that be (Congress) are doing nothing to right that wrong. Nothing. They are spineless sniveling scairdy cats who are more than willing to sacrifice their country on the altar of The Donald John. I have  gone far  beyond disbelief and shock. They are in the throes of the Devil/Satan/Evil Incarnate and they do not even realize it. The masquerade is complete. Where it will end I don't know. I'm hoping I'm still alive when the monstrous entity in the White House is removed and dealt with harshly as he so richly deserves. Until then I shudder daily and pray and hope and wish and importune the fates to help us. SIGH. Happy Thursday shuhak. I wonder what the  monster has up his sleeve for today?  :( This post was edited by RosieG at November 30, 2017 3:38 AM MST
      November 30, 2017 3:36 AM MST