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You defend lies. Shouldn't the truth speak for itself? Why?

Posted - December 4, 2017


  • 10567
    Truth speaks for itself as truth never changes.  Lies, on the other hand, must be continually defended with more lies lest they be discovered.  

    When a person tells a lie, they inevitably will have tell another lie in order to keep the first lie going (believed) - lest they be exposed as having lied.  Of course, now that person will now have to tell yet another lie in order to keep the previous lie going - lest they be exposed as having lied.  But then they must tell yet another lie in order to keep the previous lie concealed - lest they be found out as having lied.  However, one must be careful not to contradict any of the previous lies when telling a new lie, lest they be exposed as having told a lie.  Now if, in the course of lying a truth is revealed (perish the thought), it will quickly unravel one (or more) of the previous lies (truth does that).  So, to make sure the previous lies remain as "truths", even more lies must be told to negate that "truth" yet without contradicting any of the previous lies while making that truth that was revealed out to be untrue while keeping it true to all the other  lies.

    Confusing, isn't it.  Anyone who lies must continually look back over their shoulder lest the truth catches up to them.

    Now, if one simply tells the truth in the first place there'd be no confusion, as truth doesn't change (whether it's believed or not).
    Oh, some people don't like the truth and will spin lies to try and silence it (which is impossible, as what has happened cannot be 'un-happened'), but in doing so they too descend that never ending spiral staircase of lies.

    Lies also have a way of destroying the person telling them.   When the truth comes out, the reputation of the person who lied can be severely tarnished or ruined. {Remember the fable of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"?}  An exposed liar will be considered untrustworthy (and gaining back that trust doesn't come easily).  Some liars try to smooth over their lies with money (bribes, "hush money"), or by surrounding themselves with other liars (who will lie to the liar in order to keep them satisfied).  Many simply keep telling lie after lie after lie all in an effort not to be exposed as a liar.  Problem is, if one tells a lie long enough they'll start to believe it as truth.  And if that "truth" goes on long enough, others will begin to believe it as well.  Even so, the truth still remains - believed or not.
      December 4, 2017 10:58 AM MST

  • 113301
    Another fine analysis m'dear for which I thank you. The Evil Donald John is the MASTER LIAR. No one will ever eclipse him. His worshippers embrace every word which they bless and believe every word he says to them since he is the only reliable source of truth in their opinion. Some know he lies all the time but will never admit it. And so it goes. :(
      December 5, 2017 4:08 AM MST