Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Are we all DOOMED at conception to be what we are? Can we ever break out of the limitations/restrictions of our heritage? Are we STUCK?

Are we all DOOMED at conception to be what we are? Can we ever break out of the limitations/restrictions of our heritage? Are we STUCK?

Will Ivanka Trump ever turn on daddy dearest and excoriate him for his sexually deviated and perverted ways with women his entire life? Will she ever tell him how he disgusts her and embarrasses her and wishes he would NOT cheat people and insult people and attack people and LIE? Whatacha think? That would be worth paying for on Pay TV. I'd sure as he** watch it. Would thee?

Posted - December 5, 2017


  • 53509

      No, not one person in the history of humankind has ever changed anything about his or her personality, character, points of view, likes and dislikes, lifestyle, priorities, knowledge level, maturity, thought processes, etc even one iota from birth to death. 
      There, are you happy now?
      December 5, 2017 6:38 AM MST