Please stop it, I feel the planet rocking unsteadily and look, you've inadvertently activated terratomical asplersions in ye olde woodshedde, or were they? Oh woe are we. WOE I SAID - don't you understand simpell English?
But Randy I think there is a happy medium. Just by using correct grammar and spelling you are setting a good example for everyone. So you don't need to point out this or that error in others because they don't know and likely they are not going to spend any amount of time learning proper grammar and usage. And is prudent to remember that language does change with usage as well. Pronunciations and meanings of words I hear now even on the nightly TV news are different from what I heard and people used when I was young.
Don't do it, man. You'll be sorry. I do understand,'s a burden you have been chosen to bare. Stay strong my friend.
This post was edited by Thriftymaid at January 20, 2018 9:34 AM MST