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Who's lazier: Baby Boomers or Millennials?

GenX is best because they have to pick up after both of them.

Posted - January 24, 2018


  • 5614
    Baby Boomers had everything handed to them and squandered most of it. Yet here they are today blaming the most disenfranchised portions of society for their own malaise ;(
      January 24, 2018 9:55 PM MST

  • 6098
    Not sure where you get all that.  Many of us grew up comfortably in families where the goal in life was pretty much to make a better world and better life for their children. I think many of us were very privileged but we were expected to carry on the tradition and institutions we were "handed" in critically which some of us did but many of us felt ill-equipped to do or wanted to change. We received a lot of attention from society so we quite naturally assumed that we would always be listened to and taken seriously which we had to learn was in fact not the case at all.  I would say in fact that most of us had to learn how to make places for ourselves in society from the ground up which meant starting from the bottom.  Of course we had absorbed many positive lessons we had learned growing up such as getting on with people and working . For instance as women most of us expected to marry and be supported but we had to learn more how to get on in life by our own labor. But we certainly felt no sense of "entitlement' such as you often see in young people today.  We grew up comfortably yes but we had to duplicate that in our own lives and there was no sense that we were in any way "owed" anything. 

    Not sure what you mean by "lazy" - I certainly don't view us collectively as that.  We , or most of us, did not skimp - we enjoyed the good things to the extent that we were able and we had plenty of margin to do so and allowed ourselves that.  Also not sure what "disenfranchised portions of society" means.  Who is "disenfranchised"  (meaning without  a vote or voice)?  And just how do we blame them?  And for what malaise?  I don't think I have any "malaise"!  I have done allright for myself as has my husband and now aging we just are keen to continue doing well and to enjoy the fruits of our labors. I more tend to view a lot of young people as more "lazy" in that they don't seem to want to work for anything and choose instead to sink into negativity and hopelessness expecting someone else to do something about it. Like sometimes they don't even seem to have the will to live or don't want to.  Not all of course but I have noticed this. 
      January 25, 2018 7:37 AM MST

  • 44765
    I am a boomer. I had nothing handed to me. I worked 40 in public service and asked for nothing in return but fair pensions. I have earned the right to be lazy now. Screw anyone who thinks otherwise.
      January 24, 2018 10:23 PM MST

  • 5614
    Always exceptions but as a generation they have been the most privileged with the least to complain about. Working 40 years and getting a pension today is like bragging. This post was edited by O-uknow at February 11, 2018 8:51 PM MST
      January 25, 2018 6:54 AM MST

  • 5354
    I am pretty sure Millennials came later than the baby boomers.
      January 25, 2018 12:05 AM MST