This would be so much better if he was doing a parody He's serious.
i see. you just happened to like the effect of the stairs. i'm thinking sumo-squats would give much the same effect, but may not be your cup of tea... or they might. i dunno.
ballet is a lot like martial arts, actually. it's a practice in discipline. it sculpts long, strong muscles. i find it relaxing, as it slows my mind to create perfect form (or near perfect, as it were).
you're right about yoga. the body is a weight in all those breathy poses, due to our friend...gravity! :)
water is gooood, yes! great way to have fun and stay cool. i don't bike or climb, but i do lots and lots of different types of squats, leg lifts, an exercise called 'bridging' and pushups. the challenge there is keeping good form and building numbers. i don't do any jumping jacks or running either, but my workout very much becomes cardio, as i can up the pace of a kata or yoga sequence. love to dance, as well. dancing is great cardio.
anyway, good exercise involves stretching (warming up), muscle building, raising the heart rate... and stretching (cooling down) some more. and it should be something you enjoy, ideally.
hi. =)
the video is pretty dang funny. sorry to have beat you, but thanks for saying hello.
Stairs, keeps me fit
No pain since the replacements. That's why I take the stairs nowadays. Those two knee surgeries, two cataract surgeries, and these two hand surgeries (from which I am recovering now) have made me a new bionic woman. :)