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HONOLULU — The Hawaii emergency management worker who sent a false alert last month

 warning of an imminent missile attack says he was convinced the threat was real and “100 percent sure” he was doing the right thing.
The other time a mistake like that happened, 7 December 1941, it was the other way around - the radar plot was real, but misinterpreted, and Pearl Harbour was blasted to hell. Fail-safe should be the watchword surely?
I assume those responsible for facilitating the Pearl Harbour attack were shot - or at least, received a jolly good telling-off. Of course, if Watson-Watt had kept his wacky ideas to himself we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Posted - February 3, 2018


  • 22891
    i heard he got fired for doing that
      February 3, 2018 2:43 PM MST