OK you 'computer savvy' folks.......I'm in the market for a new laptop...all I'm gonna do with it is download several software programs on astrology/numerology/biorhythms, stuff like that.
So essentially it'd be a 'stand alone' (for want of a better term!) laptop...
I have a smartphone and go to the library for the internet.....I live 5 mins. away so it's an ideal situation for a retired guy like me!!!
so how 'powerful' should it be? I want it to be as fast as can be,so what would I ask/look for in a laptop?
as for price, I'd like to go no higher than $600 - $700....is that too low? or high enough?
also, the stuff I buy will be on CDs so of course I know to look for one with either built-in, or I can buy a separate 'add-on'...see, at least i know that much!! lol.
all you computer-knowledgeable, please give me your thoughts and opinions!!!
and what brand/s do you like? and why?
and one really dumb question, which I think I know the answer to but will ask anyway; can you download program CDs on tablets? just wonderin'.
thanks for all your input..
lookin' forward to it!!!!!