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What is a computation that you don't like to accept? ~

Posted - March 2, 2018


  • Although at my age I have no intention of having my first child, I'm still fertile enough to technically get impregnated. I know that sooner rather than later menopause will set in, and my fertile days will end. I know I'm being unrealistic, perhaps even silly, but I cannot accept the onset of infertility. The computation of how long I have before that dreaded thing happens makes me very agitated and nervous. . 
      March 2, 2018 9:25 AM MST

  • 53332

      You earn Asker's Pick with that one, my friend. 
      March 2, 2018 9:45 AM MST

  • Thank you, dear. 
      March 2, 2018 10:32 AM MST

  • 5354
    It is a gradual thing, not a countdown. A couple of years ago I read about a women in Britain that had a child at 67.
    Alas the risk of pregnancy complications rise gradually too, so you best hurry up and find a stud.
      March 2, 2018 1:56 PM MST

  • I've no intention of having children. It's just that the thought of being infertile makes me feel less of a woman. 
      March 2, 2018 4:57 PM MST

  • 5808
    how much I owe on taxes...YIKES
      March 2, 2018 1:31 PM MST

  • 44519
    Any computation that requires me to spend money.
      March 2, 2018 1:41 PM MST

  • 5354
    Minimax theory. Logical and lethal.
      March 2, 2018 1:51 PM MST

  • 46117
    Beep.   Beep.   Beeeep. 

    Does not compute.

      March 2, 2018 9:52 PM MST