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Why are crosswalks lightings systems a horrible failure much like our ailing infrastructure?

Posted - March 6, 2018


  • 5354
    I doubt the reason is the same in both cases.

    For the smaller instances such as fx lighting for a school crosswalk I rather think the 'culprit' is American Ingeniuity. Also sometimes called 'Product development'. It is a hallowed tradition to the point where you just better not speak ill of it. Anything 'new' you can think up will be bought and implemented at least once, no matter how ridiculous like the one below:

    The "people approachin" sensors will get activated when some kid throw another kids school-bag through it,  it will even cause accidemts when the other kid rushes forwards to save his lunch.
    The "press button and wait for green" probably have the same effect as the approach sensonrs. And it cannot be pushed without activating them. The lights sunk in the road will be invisible in daylight and blind drivers during the nigh (no biggie there, it only endanger drivers since few schools stay open overnight).
      March 7, 2018 3:56 AM MST

  • 72
    That is something you'll need to put to the average American in the street. And you had better be quick about it before he gets scrunched by that SVU coming up, or that Japanese crap-box behind it, or that delivery van whose driver's IQ is outstripped by the three boxes of broccoli he is transporting, or that self-driving technological marvel sensitively adjusted to not notice scowling unshaven people toting Walmart or Dollar Store shopping bags.     
      March 7, 2018 10:19 AM MST

  • Close to my crying heart bro..
    My best friend just accidentally killed a black clad shopping bage wearing 70 year old lady in the street.  The delay in switching can leave you stranded in the intersection where you're trying to cross and nobody but nobody blames my friend but he still is at fault due to law. Go figure.. An accident waiting to happen..Damn! This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 7, 2018 12:42 PM MST
      March 7, 2018 12:41 PM MST

  • 17633
    I've not experienced anything but efficiency with those little walk/don'twalk signs.  
      March 7, 2018 2:50 PM MST

  • 17633
    I've not experienced anything but efficiency with those little walk/don'twalk signs.
      March 7, 2018 2:51 PM MST