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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The LABEL is everything! If the Clintons had been Republicans they would be adored/supported/defended/loved. What's in a name?

The LABEL is everything! If the Clintons had been Republicans they would be adored/supported/defended/loved. What's in a name?

Republicans always defend their own and find ways to talk nonsense in serious tones. Yes. Hillary and Bill would be honored and spoken of in hallowed terms just exactly as they are and were doing all they did that the Republicans find so reprehensible (Clinton Foundation..emails..Benghazi) IF THEY HAD BEEN REPUBLICANS. Look at how beloved the current Republican alley cat scumbag prez is? He is a Republican. If he had run as a Dem and won guess how the Republican establishment would have come down very hard on him?. So what are we saying here? Content matters not all. Only packaging. Package wisely. SIGH. :(

Posted - March 10, 2018


  • No, not really. A rose by any other name still smells as sweet. A skunk? well the same applies. Whether he's a polecat or a skunk, it's not cologne  he's distributing. I once heard someone say that if Bill Clinton had committed every immoral act under the sun and had stolen every dime minted in the US, he belonged on Mt Rushmore. Well, a nut by any other name.............
      March 10, 2018 5:25 AM MST