Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » 3-time LOSER. What next thing is he gonna screw up BIGLY?

3-time LOSER. What next thing is he gonna screw up BIGLY?

1. Congratulates a murderous despot dictator for winning a RIGGED election after being warned NOT TO DO SO
2. The gals he sexually assaulted are all speaking up and speaking out along with the consensual sexual toys
3. Mueller is getting closer and close and closer and closer

Oh my.

Posted - March 21, 2018


  • 10612
    Probablay World trade or World peace but hopefully the  next thing  he screws up is the following. One of the woman that is suing Trump claims to have proof that she passed a lie detector test and it shows she had an affair with Trump. So I think Trump is going to start tweeting that he will take a lie dectector test and prove that she is lying and that there was no Russian collusion.  Then he will set up a rigged test and invite the media to watch . But he will screw up that plan because as the machin is saying he speaks the truth  he will be waving his hands around and saying see folks there was no colusion and people will start to notice that he took the senceors off his fingers. They will ask him a few more questions and the machine will keep saying he is telling the truth even tho he is not hooked up to the machine. Cheers!
      March 21, 2018 6:32 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Very funnee hunnee! Just like those "singers" who lip sync to a record and the record gets stuck in a groove and repeats repeats repeats repeats repeats! The doofy lucy is 100% corrupt so anything he does/says comes from that poisoned well. Thank you for your thoughtful  AND CREATIVE reply Nanoose . Nice use of your imagination m'dear! Happy Thursday! :)
      March 22, 2018 2:45 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Face Book.  That's a real goodie.

    4.  Facebook scandal

    Here is the beginning of the story, the rest is included in the above site.

    Cambridge Analytica and its many scandals, explained
    The firm has close ties to Steve Bannon, worked for the Trump campaign — and is now in some hot water.
    By Andrew Prokopandrew@vox.com Updated Mar 21, 2018, 5:00pm EDT
    Cambridge Analytica CEO Alexander Nix gives a speech in September 2016. Bryan Bedder/Getty/Concordia Summit

    Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm that did digital work for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016 and has close ties to Steve Bannon and GOP megadonor Robert Mercer, is in hot water after several recent reports have raised ethical and potentially legal questions about its business practices.

    The New York Times and Observer reported last week that Cambridge obtained private Facebook data — specifically, information on tens of millions of Facebook profiles — from an outside researcher who provided it to them in violation of his own agreement with Facebook.

    Meanwhile, Channel 4 News in the UK has posted video in which Cambridge CEO Alexander Nix says his firm conducts dirty tricks such as trying to tape its candidates’ opponents accepting purported bribes or sending “some girls around to the [opposing] candidate’s house.” As a result of these reports, Cambridge announced Tuesday afternoon that it would suspend Nix pending an investigation.

    Even before all this, though, Cambridge was under scrutiny in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election — both because Nix contacted Julian Assange of WikiLeaks that summer to discuss hacked Democratic emails and because of broader questions about whether Trump’s digital operation collaborated with Russians in some way. (An ABC News report published Wednesday afternoon says Mueller’s team has been interviewing witnesses about the campaign’s digital team in recent weeks.)

    And while all this has been going on, there’s also been a heated debate in the political world about just what in the world Cambridge Analytica even does — and whether it’s useful.

    Are they an ingenious, sinister operation that harnessed big data to power Donald Trump to victory? Or are they — as many who’ve worked with them claim — sort of a joke? Or something in between?
    Cambridge Analytica began with a British PR firm that’s been around for decades
    The operations center in the 1995 James Bond film Goldeneye. This is relevant to Cambridge Analytica, I promise.

    Before there was Cambridge Analytica, there was the Strategic Communication Laboratories Group — SCL Group, for short. Founded in 1993 by a British ad man named Nigel Oakes, it is, basically, a messaging and PR firm that’s done work for governments, politicians, and militaries around the world. Its clients included governments and politicians in Indonesia, Thailand, Kenya, the UK, and elsewhere.

    SCL tends to describe its capabilities in grandiose and somewhat unsettling language — the company has touted its expertise at ”psychological warfare” and “influence operations.” It’s long claimed that its sophisticated understanding of human psychology helps it target and persuade people of its clients’ preferred message. Lately, its preferred buzzwords have focused on “big data” and “psychographic profiling.”

    Yet articles from the Wall Street Journal and the Independent on SCL’s work circa 1999 and 2000 describe what sound like relatively standard political messaging and PR work for the Thai and Indonesian regimes, alongside a penchant for secrecy and ethically questionable activities.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at March 22, 2018 2:46 AM MDT
      March 21, 2018 6:45 PM MDT

  • 113301
    That is going to be a hugely bigly part of the Mueller investigation. He is also focusing on FB. Now I read that Zuckerberg knew of that problem (Russian infiltration via Wikileaks and Cambridge Analytica in 2015 and did nothing about it. Three FB employees were embedded in the Trump campaign showing them how to  maximize the use of FB for their campaign. Dam*ing evidence of the FB conspiracy and willingness to be faciliate criminal and illegal political activity. Zuckie baby is gonna be  in a world of hurt! This conspiracy is so much bigger than could ever be imagined. So many players, useful idiots, dupes, snakes, evil charlatans. Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply Sharon. And the beat goes on.
      March 22, 2018 2:50 AM MDT