I believe it's as simple as greed on the Govs. end, trying their best to steal as much as they can. Have you ever seen a person win $10,000 or more at a casino? I have! It's funny, there's an IRS agent right there in seconds like a fly on s--t to make sure they will get 50% of it.
Hello Rosie:
It means you're RICH.. The IRS computers have parameters. If you're OUTSIDE a parameter, you're gonna GET audited.. Rich people are OUTSIDE the parameters.
Trump says friends richer than him have never been audited. So how do you explain that? Thank you for your reply excon. Doesn't it mean the audited guy is shifty?
Thank you for your repl BS.
Hello again, Rosie:
What?? NOW you believe him??
Hahahahahah! TOUCHE! Ya got me excon! :)
It means you have a boatload of so much money, it has to be done this way or there will be an overwhelming mountain of work. I don't see anything suspect in that one.
During the last eight years it might simply mean you are a conservative with a mouth.
Or, in fact, you were a "mouthy conservative" who wanted to subvert election and tax laws by having 501(c) non-profit entities engage in partisan politicking, which they cannot legallly do....;-D..
Thank you for your reply Sharonna! :)
Mahalo for your reply OS and the link. I apreciate both! :)