Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » TRADE WARS WITH OUR ALLIES! Disrespectful/rude or DA BOMB? When does don juan DOUBLE DOWN and sanction our allies?

TRADE WARS WITH OUR ALLIES! Disrespectful/rude or DA BOMB? When does don juan DOUBLE DOWN and sanction our allies?

Posted - June 8, 2018


  • Who cares what Trump does as long as it angers the left. 

      June 8, 2018 9:00 AM MDT

  • 1233
    They're not allies. The U.S. has no allies. It's so called allies are globalist. Until they start to respect the sovereignty of the U.S. they are on the edge of being enemies. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at June 8, 2018 9:49 AM MDT
      June 8, 2018 9:47 AM MDT

  • 666
    I think that we support each other in war and defending our countries and our soldiers have died along side one another.
    Trump should have respect for that and also he should recognize that the us is not an island unto itself.
    They need trading partners and allies in order to ever be able to have true influence over the other superpower countries like China and Russia.
    Trump can't do everything alone and either can the United States.
    America first is a nice idea, but you also have to look out for your friends a little too.
      June 8, 2018 9:57 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Very true Summer. Alienating our allies makes no sense. Sucking up to a hostile foreign power makes even less sense. Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Saturday! :)
      June 9, 2018 3:23 AM MDT