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Do all anti-Trump questions have to be asked in the "Rosie's Corner" category or can the rest of us hate on him out here in the open?

Posted - June 8, 2018


  • I'm not sure.
    I thought for a while that the liberals had deserted this site, and it had become... tactless... to say anything anti-Trump -
    but now it seems there are quite a few anti-Trumpers around.

    My guess -- if you ask anti-Trump questions now, you will find quite a few supporters.

    I've been told by three US citizens that as a resident of another country, I don't have the right to speak on America or American politics.

    I find this very interesting against the background of the USA's constitutional right to freedom of speech. Does it mean that only North Americancitizens have that right? How about the United Nations Bill of Human Rights?

    I've also been informed that living outside the USA, I could not possibly know what goes on inside it.
    And there, I have indeed made three mistakes so far (bound to make more) through insufficient thinking and research.
    And I felt grateful to those who corrected me.

    Because America has the largest economy in the world, its economic and political behavior has an effect on every other country.
    This means what America does has high news value.
    It means US news of all kinds goes out instantaneously at the same time as Americans get it.
    It goes to every place that has electricity and internet.

    To make it more vivid - we saw 9/11 and the Pentagon terrorist plane crash over and over. We see the race riots, the KKK murders, the mass shootings at schools, the murders of our own citizens as tourists -- the gang warfare and wars on drugs -- the corporate internet scammers and invasions of privacy, the fake news spinners -- the rise of religious conservatism and right-wing power -- the use of underpaid illegal immigrant labour -- the droughts, wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, mudslides, quakes, blizzards and whiteouts.... it goes on and on. And it's supplemented every day by public interviews with professional analysts, professors of American studies and politics.

    We also hear the good and great things - inventions, works of cultural genius, of philanthropy, and of scientific discoveries that make a difference to the entire world.

    I tend to watch and read the news twice a day and have done for around 42 years.

    I really hope that most American muggers won't mind hearing what people in other places think of what's going on in the US and how it affects their lives.

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at June 10, 2018 11:25 AM MDT
      June 8, 2018 11:06 PM MDT

  • 5391
    No heed need be paid to the small cabal of closed-minded xenophobes. Funny how they do seem to rally to Trump’s cause. 

    Having travelled extensively throughout my life, I for one have a great appreciation for lucid feedback from different quarters, especially since, as you noted, the laundry of America is aired so prominently worldwide.
      June 9, 2018 5:23 AM MDT

  • 10052
    I've seen some posts suggested that to other AM members who aren't from America. As Don B. says, pay no heed. If international AM members were praising Trump, they'd lavish them with praise (as long as they aren't from SH1THOLE countries)! 

    Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I was kidding, really. I was a little charged up after watching 2 news programs. Ugh! 
      June 9, 2018 3:07 PM MDT

  • 6098
    OK I NEVER wrote that you don't have the "right" to speak about us.  What I wrote was that you don't truly understand us or what it is like to live here because you get most of your information about us from biased and slanted  professional news agencies.  And I tried to explain to you what things are really like here.  Which apparently you had deleted.

    Fine to express opinions and beliefs.  But once you begin to pass judgment then you must expect that there might be some disagreement. 
      June 10, 2018 8:22 AM MDT

  • I mentioned three US citizens.
    I didn't mention you, but by your comment above, you have outed yourself.

    It's true that I felt upset for weeks about your response to my blog.
    I felt entirely misunderstood.
    I had to seriously question my skills in writing to see how I could have been so misunderstood.
    My reply trying to explain myself didn't work.
    I considered trying again and then decided it was futile.
    Bar one point, I found your assumptions and judgments unjust and unfair.
    The comments were ugly, rude and hurtful.
    I deleted everything, including the original blog which was a plea for Martin Luther's stand to never die - worldwide.

    I believe your assumption about my news sources is mistaken.
    I source from the world's top agencies like Reuters, as well as professors of American studies, 
    and the American government's own statistics published online.
    And I see the evidence streamed on film live.
    Although particular news companies do have political agendas, I avoid them.
    I go for the ones that take care in journalistic ethics to present the differing expert opinions on an issue. I often double-check their backgrounds.

    You made one point that what shows on the news selectively distorts the true picture. I agree with that.
    The seven news values - impact, conflict, timeliness, currency, proximity, prominence, and bizarreness - leave the normal and ordinary untold.
    The good is too often taken for granted. It's how we believe things should be. Therefore it doesn't make the news.

    My blog was not just about America - it was against racism everywhere, and it explicitly emphasized that point.
    That doesn't change what the news is --
    and it doesn't change your government's statistics as compared with those of other nations around the world.
    I believe your replies showed a lack of attentive reading of my words.

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at June 11, 2018 5:37 AM MDT
      June 10, 2018 11:22 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Sad to hear that, Hartfire. 

    I suspect that his presidency has divided this country more than it's been divided since the civil war. It's despicable. This post was edited by my2cents at June 11, 2018 5:03 AM MDT
      June 10, 2018 5:42 PM MDT

  • Sadly, I agree.
    Although I've experienced it thrice on aM,
    I'm not accustomed to it where I live.
    There's plenty of division of opinion along party lines herein my part of the world, and debates do get heated, but they stay civil and address the ideas rather than the speaker.

    Also, to be fair, I've been over-sensitive in last 10 weeks due to depression.
    It's a bad time for me right now.

    I can see why it takes activists so much courage to fight for what's right.

    I can forgive. I don't think she meant to hurt.
    She just didn't read accurately or deeply and so didn't understand the points I made.

    Thank you for your support, Savvy. It makes a difference.
    One other showed the same kindness.
    It's deeply touching and soothing when it happens.
    On the whole, aM is a great place and I very much like many of the characters here.

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at June 11, 2018 2:33 AM MDT
      June 11, 2018 2:12 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Nothing is wrong with your writing and I previously cited your wealth of knowledge.  I believe it is wonderful to celebrate the life and achievements of someone like Rev. King who was and hopefully still is an inspiration for so many people.   And yes you indicated it was not just above us. But what hurt was your willingness to condemn us as a country for "racism" which was where I felt you were in error and tried to explain in a series of comments how what you as well as some others might dismiss as "racism" was actually a number of other things.  Which I put a lot of time into and tried to be very careful and succinct about. We can't pretend that race does not exist but we must not become so delighted with it that we automatically just sweep everything into it.  So I couldn't help but see your assumptions and judgments as unfair as well as hurtful and unjustified.

    I am sorry you found my comments "ugly, rude, and hurtful" because they were not intended to be at all but simply an attempt to correct what I saw as false assumptions or conclusions. 

    True that some of what you wrote I probably did not understand because I lack your breadth of knowledge.  Nonetheless I felt called upon to offer the outlook of one who has lived here for 61 years as a corrective as well as an explanation.  Had no idea you would take it badly as we had been friends on this site.  

    Perhaps I should have kept my views to myself rather than venturing to think that they as well as my experience could in any way enlighten anyone or help change anyone's mind or help them see things any differently.  We live our lives and we make up our minds and that is it.  I have made many such posts and comments on here and those who agree with me say right on and those who do not keep a stony silence.  Sigh -  I try to stick to adultMug but when nothing is going on there I get drawn into all this political stuff which only ends up being hurtful and discouraging and depressing.  I gave up news years ago for the same reasons. 
      June 11, 2018 6:09 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Hartfire, my original reply was censored because it was somehow interpreted as being an attack on a specific individual. It was NOT, just as your initial response did not single out any specific individual. 

    Ironic, because what you described obviously WAS a personal attack against you on your blog. I'm not sure how someone outing themselves as someone who attacked or bullied you is your fault or mine. 

    I'm beginning to understand why most of my favorite members have abandoned this site. 

    Speaking in very broad terms, about ALL Trump worshipers and NO ONE in particular, I find the following to be true:

     Intolerance and hatefulness seems to be part of the DNA of 95% of them; probably why they're drawn to him. 

     His presidency has given the racists and xenophobes in America free license to waive their hate flags, and it's despicable. 

    Here are some links that support my opinion:



      June 11, 2018 9:19 AM MDT

  • 5391
    I’m not aware of any policies that restrict criticisms of Trump to Rosie’s Corner, but it is fair to say she does enough of it for all of us. 

    I also think it fair to assert that the man himself will continue to provide plenty of fodder for critical rebuttal. 
      June 9, 2018 5:11 AM MDT

  • 10052
    All 100% true. 
      June 9, 2018 3:00 PM MDT

  • 13071
    Haters gonna Hate.
      June 9, 2018 5:22 AM MDT

  • 7280
    And lovers of American will continue to point out what a poor choice the minority of American voters (who still don't understand why Trump as president will be seen as such a tragedy when history judges both them and him) made when they voted for him.

    And are you suggesting that there are Trump haters on this site---or are you simply confusing them with those of us who are well schooled in American cultural values and know how important it is to oppose the values of a man like Trump?

      June 9, 2018 3:13 PM MDT

  • 5391
    Eloquently stated, Tom. You fingered that all-too-common mantra of despots: You’re either with me or you’re against me.

    This pronouncement then slants the dialogue to summarily discount or discard ANY views that arise from those branded in this way.
    We see this in Trumps personal crusade against any media (or anyone else) he disagrees with or criticizes him. We watch the lemmings fall into line behind him, all the while refusing to acknowledge the man’s despicable character. 
      June 10, 2018 6:50 AM MDT

  • 13071
    I beg to differ. I think he has done a great job keeping his campaign promises and will go down as one of the greatest presidents we ever had. 
      June 10, 2018 5:24 PM MDT

  • 5391
    Said the lemming.
    Keep his promises? Where’s the “Great” replacement for Obamacare? Where’s THE WALL? 

    It’s laughable that you credit the man for (on your view) keeping a paltry few promises that more than 60% of actual Americans don’t agree with, while turning a blind eye to his aggressive ignorance and pathological narcissism. 
    Simply one of the lamest comments I’ve ever read. No wonder the world is laughing at the US.  This post was edited by Don Barzini at June 11, 2018 9:24 AM MDT
      June 10, 2018 7:06 PM MDT

  • 6098
    Ah guess so.  Unfortunately.
      June 10, 2018 8:31 AM MDT

  • 1713
    I don't see a problem with an occasional anti-Trump post, just not on Rosie levels, please.
      June 9, 2018 6:06 AM MDT

  • 10052

    I won't allow him to run or ruin my life. :)
      June 10, 2018 5:22 PM MDT

  • 34961
    The only one allowed to post in Rosie's Corner is RosieG. Feel free to post your poltical question anti/pro Trump or otherwise in the Politics catergory. 
      June 9, 2018 6:13 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Well I try not to hate anyone for they are just an imperfect human being as I am.  But admittedly all the haters of President Trump quite surprise me.  He just seems to me like a quite normal man the likes of which I have met and dealt with many times in my life and work.  I don't care for some things about him either but on other things I agree with him. As would be true of anyone else.  Can't help but wonder are people's lives so empty they have nothing else to do but focus on politicians and celebrities? 
      June 10, 2018 8:29 AM MDT

  • 10052
    It's an expression.

    "quite normal man"  LMAO

    Since I've seen you post that you've been employed as a prostitute, it's no surprise you've met men like him in your work. 

    Thanks for your reply. I almost always find them amusing. :)
      June 10, 2018 5:31 PM MDT