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If the world stockmarkets keep tanking can trading legally be suspended? Who decides?


Posted - June 27, 2016


  • 44519

    The markets going south is a self-fulfilling prophecy. They will rebound. Meanwhile the zillionaires will by lots of cheap shares and profit immensely.

    Trump will purchase millions of British pounds while they have de-valued and sell them off when they go back up.

      June 27, 2016 8:53 AM MDT

  • 500

    Yes trades can be suspended by the trade agency. The US stock market has a trigger to stop trading at a 10% drop.

    Other countries have their own thresholds.

      June 27, 2016 8:57 AM MDT

  • 113301

      I guess he wants to be a trillionaire? Thank you for your answer Ele!  :)

      July 8, 2016 5:01 AM MDT