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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Comey PUBLICIZED purposely the Hillary invetigation and then vindication. He said nary a word about Russian meddling. Selective wasn't he?

Comey PUBLICIZED purposely the Hillary invetigation and then vindication. He said nary a word about Russian meddling. Selective wasn't he?

We the people HAD A RIGHT TO KNOW about that Russia meddling on behalf of King don bigly in our election but we never knew because Comey didn't want to influence the election. But we go  chapter and verse about more possible Hillary emails on the computer of a sex pervert who was the husband of a staff member and they had to be reviewed. Heads up warning for what MIGHT be in them. Then we found there was NO THERE THERE with regard to Hillary. But the damage was done. Comey gift-wrapped the election and handed it to King don. In return for which King don fired Comey. Some loyalty!  Biting the hand that fed him? Seriously. There are ZILLIONS of indictments here already and on deck to be released AGAINST King don and his enablers helpers facilitators. There is ZERO indictment against Hillary BECAUSE THERE IS NO THERE THERE. But still the faithful robotically automatically repeat their most cherished mantra. She should be jailed for all her crimes. Well you can lead a horse to water but if it choose to die from dehydration what can ya do? There is potable water everywhere and the King don faithful refuse to touch it. Dehydration is preferable to them and so it goes. :( Can madness occur from dehydration?

Posted - June 15, 2018


  • 35082
    Exactly the reasons why President Trump fired Comey.....and somehow we have spent Millions of dollars to investigate it. Waste of money....we knew this from day one. 
    There was certainly a THERE  there with Hillary. She had classiffied emails on a private server. (Which the IG reports says were compromised) destroyed computer equipment and phones, allowed witnesses for Hillary to sit in on her interview with the FBI etc.....there are some BIG Fat THERES there.
    The head investigators were admittedly in the tank for Hillary and stated they will stop Trump and that they had an insurance plan for it. 
    We will see if anyone goes to jail over the IG report. This post was edited by my2cents at June 15, 2018 5:49 AM MDT
      June 15, 2018 5:42 AM MDT