Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» When you KNOW someone is a pathological LIAR what is the point of asking him/her any questions at all? I don't get it. Do you?
If it is evident that someone is a pathological liar, I would refrain from addressing them in any form.
If it were somehow my job to communicate with the prevaricator, I would make their encounters with me so upsetting to him/her, they’d soon insist on my absence. Win-win.
In the case of who I know you are referring to, it has become a social media imperative to fan the fire of pompous ignorance. Who can make the orange monkey say something controversial today...
This post was edited by Don Barzini at June 16, 2018 2:20 AM MDT
But Don every day in every way nothing changes. Questions are asked. The same lies are repeated. Discussions ensue. Nothing gets resolved. The same lies are perpetuated by the folks who believe every word he says. Every day. Every day. Every day. What's the point? I just read that when asked about the statement he wrote with regard to the purpose of a meeting which was a lie he said in effect that lying to the press (which of course is lying to we the people) is irrelevant. "It's not a statement to a high tribunal of judges". Does that mean he won't lie to Mueller? He is a compulsive liar. You KNOW he's lying when he opens his mouth and words come out. I say black him out. "News" blackout. It isn't news. It's just more of the same lies we don't have to hear. SIGH. It's working you know. More people distrust our Justice system now than when he started his lies. Too many people cheer for the bad guys. He is a very bad guy. Why give him press? Maybe if they "starve" him he will do something so outrageous to get attention like murdering some children on the White House lawn finally he will get what he deserves. But I ramble. I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply DonB and Happy Saturday to thee! :)
It’s exactly about that outrageousness. The man has only a passing relationship with truth and it has apparently become “news” to begin the argument. The times we live in. Sadly, stewing in the bully pulpit with his Big Macs and Twitter account, alone, unhinged, and disgruntled at the dearth of adoration, gives the prevaricator means and motivation to spew his brand of aggressive fatuity to a willing audience. I don’t believe he knows anything else.
The question that vexes me Rosie, is how there remains a positive opinion of this man in any quarter, as it’s clear to me not even his wife likes him.
This post was edited by Don Barzini at June 16, 2018 5:25 AM MDT
Well m'dear THAT question is as unanswerable as "What is the meaning of life?" You can opine and conject and think up a zillion theories but to really KNOW? I don't see how. What used to be reviled and despised (liars/haters/braggarts/cheaters/ betrayers/traitors) is now worshipped/celebrated. Why that is I do not know but I suspect (very sadly) that there was always evil in these people and they were just biding their time waiting for a savior from Satan to come along. Now RACISTS proudly run for elective office and King don supports them. Pedophiles too. There is no low too low for them to go in support of perversion. Surely King don did not instill that in them. It was always there hiding just waiting to be unleashed. Pandora's Box on steroids. He will go one day. But his worshippers will keep propagating and promulgating hate. I would say get rid of all of them! Ship them all off to a DEVIL'S ISLAND where they can gloriously hate for eternity and spew the venom and celebrate the dark and the evil. Enormous task because we know there are tens of millions of them and they keep having babies. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday to thee DonB. As for Melania I hope she is NOT dying of some disease. I know by her body language she DETESTS him. I hope she dumps him. Kicks his corpulent ARSE to the curb! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at June 16, 2018 5:35 AM MDT