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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Any Christian King don supporters who SUPPORT separating parents from children and siblings from one another? Think JESUS does? Why?

Any Christian King don supporters who SUPPORT separating parents from children and siblings from one another? Think JESUS does? Why?

Seeking asylum the come and have their children taken from them. An evil beyond which there is little comparison. The devil rules America today. Where are the clergy on this issue? White Evanlegical Christians are pro this? Where in the bible does it sanction/condone/tell you that it is okay to do. How do you justify rationalize such an evil unless you are now serving the devil?

Posted - June 16, 2018


  • 2706
    First of all, Jesus was a devout Jew raised by devout Jews, who held God's Word in the highest esteem. That being the case and Him being the Son of God, there's no question what He would do. What does the Bible say about those who enter a country illegally? What should be the Christian response to illegal aliens or illegal immigrants and toward those who condone illegal immigration? The first consideration is the law of the land. Those who illegally enter any country violate that nation’s laws as well as the laws of God.  The Bible makes it clear that those who violate laws are sinning, as are those who support or assist them in breaking the laws (Romans 13:1-7, 1Peter 2:13-14, Titus 3:1-2 This principle applies to illegal immigrants and those who condone their continued violation of the law. The government has the divine authority to deal with illegal immigrants who refuse to comply with the laws of the land. Now, the government authorities may or may not exercise their legal and divine right to enforce the laws, but that doesn’t change the fact that the church should not knowingly support illegal activity. To aid and abet illegal aliens—people who cross borders illegally—is a sin. Regardless of emotional appeals and mitigating circumstances, the initial act of coming into a country illegally is a sin. What about the children of illegal immigrants? Again, the government has the divine authority to deal with them as well. But then, if you disregard what the Bible says about anything, then my answer amounts to a spit in the river.
      June 16, 2018 9:19 AM MDT