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HUMILITY is a biblical viture. So many "Christians" aren't humble. Can you be a TRUE BELIEVER if you aren't humble? Really? HOW?

Posted - June 16, 2018


  • 1233
    Christians are meant to humble themselves before God, not to the likes of you.
      June 16, 2018 11:07 AM MDT

  • 10763
    Just because one calls themselves a "Christian" doesn't mean they actually are.  Actions speak louder than words.   Those who don't do what Jesus said are NOT Christians - despite what they may claim.

    True humility is not something that comes easy to most people.  It's something that must be continually strived for.  It's not like the instant one becomes a christian they're "magically" humble either.   Christianity is a hard and grueling journey, and overcoming selfish pride (being humble) is a constant endeavor.  
      June 16, 2018 3:40 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Being humble. Admiring humility. That's what usta be Shuhak. Somewhere along the line HUBRIS replaced it. Check out Sarah Huckabee Sanders. There isn't a drop of humble in her entire body. She is condescending/snarky/snippy/self-righteous/insulting.  Quoting the bible at the podium as if that settles it. Same thing with Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions. Quoting the bible. Selected parts of course. Hubris-driven people tend to do that all the time. Disgusting it is but there it is! Hubris from top to toe in every office most egregiously exemplified in King don. All his sycophantic toadies mimic him as they kiss his corpulent arse 24/7. I wonder if GOD is pleased? They speak with such authority as if GOD has anointed them specifically to speak for HIM. It is more than I can bear to listen to so I do a lot of muting of the  TV. Pompous A**es the lot of them. It isn't the words you call yourself that matters. The only thing that matters is HOW YOU TREAT OTHER PEOPLE. "Do unto others. Love thy neighbor. Suffer the little children to come unto me. What you do to the least of mine you do to me". How often do you hear "them" quote those things? NEVER. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :) This post was edited by RosieG at June 17, 2018 9:06 AM MDT
      June 17, 2018 2:40 AM MDT

  • 10763
    It angers me when people twist passages from the bible in order to justify themselves or condemn the actions of others.  They almost always take the scripture completely out of context to do so.  Mr. Sessions quoting the bible to justify unspeakable atrocities is downright atrocious!
    I can take scriptures and make them say what I want too -  "And Judas went forth and hung himself.  And Jesus said, "go and do likewise"."  It's right there in the bible.
    You're right, it is how you treat others. Jesus doesn't merely say to love your neighbor, but to love your neighbor as you love yourself.  People like to leave that last part out.  However, that part ties in with the "Do unto others" scripture.  The underlying theme to the entire bible is love.  If you truly love others you won't do bad things to them.  You'll treat them as if they were yourself.  It's strange that many who profess to be religious don't understand this concept.  If you really want to be technical about it, love is the ONLY commandment God ever required of us (love Him first and foremost and love others as you love yourself).  No, they don't quote those parts.  Of course, love isn't jealous, boastful, proud or rude; and it never demands its own way.  It's not irritable, nor does it keep record of being wronged.  Love doesn't rejoice about injustice but rejoices in the truth. (paraphrased).
      June 17, 2018 9:47 AM MDT

  • 113301
    We see eye to eye on this verbatim m'dear. I think what some so-called "Christians" do/say is blasphemous! Taking GOD's name and using it to justify a wrong is wrong. They won't get away with it. One day they will have to answer to HIM and I sure would love to see how that goes. Wouldn't you? Thank you for your reply Shuhak!  :)
      June 20, 2018 11:24 AM MDT

  • 10763
    Yes, they will have to answer to Him.  No, I don't want to see it.  The price they'll pay is horrendous.  As atrocious as someone may be, I would never wish that fate on them.
      June 20, 2018 1:57 PM MDT

  • 113301
    So justice and punishment is something you'd rather not witness? You witness the crime but are not so interested on how the guilty do the time? We differ thee and me. I hold a hope deep down inside that somewhere there is UNIVERSAL JUSTICE and it operates 24/7. What you dish out you get back. The harm you do is paid for. The good you do is rewarded. Fair is fair. Just is just and right is right. Have you NEVER watched a show that centered in a courtroom? Have you never watched the guilty party squirm and lie and get nailed by a brilliant prosecutor? GOD is that Prosecutor. The ULTIMATE prosecutor. It's like reading a book but not knowing the outcome. Why would anyone NOT want to know the outcome? As I said we differ. Thank you for your reply. Just thought of a question so thanks.
      June 22, 2018 3:17 AM MDT

  • 10763
    I was referring to the "final punishment".  Everyone wants justice, even the unjust (they only want it when it aids them).  However, I would much prefer that people change and avoid that final punishment.  I've read the book and I know what that final punishment is (and it's a lot worse than most people think).  

    Many times universal justice doesn't operate.  Many good and honest people suffer for things they didn't do while many guilty people get off scot free.  That's how life works.  However, God will eventually right all wrongs and distribute justice to each person as they deserve - and nobody is "perfect.  We ALL deserve punishment for things we've done in life.  In light of that, I think we should desire mercy more than justice.
      June 22, 2018 10:25 AM MDT

  • I sense that this is just another attack on Christians. Alright, I'll play along. Humility is something that both Christians and non Christians deal with on a regular basis. Humility isn't a badge that you put on first thing in the morning. If humility is something that you have to point out to the observer, then you've fallen victim to one of the deadly sins, that being Pride. I go along with what the Apostle Paul says about salvation, it's something that you work out daily. That means working through a plethora of temptations and shortcomings, pitfalls and personal flaws that are covered by a covenant of grace. Let me caution you on a point. Humility is a behavior. You can be a believer and not allow yourself to be cast under foot by those seeking only to persecute and criticize. A walk in faith is no bed of roses and there is no place for false modesty or the sin of pride. Nor is there any place for those who are so Heavenly minded, they're no earthly good.
      June 20, 2018 11:54 AM MDT