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What are "American values"? What is "UnAmerican"? Does morality/justice have anything to do with it or nothing at all?

Posted - June 17, 2018


  • 6988
    First consider the Bill of Rights. Then the Constitution. I know I shouldn't say this ------- The Bible.  I don't mean to upset anyone of other religions, but the founding population of America was mostly (all?) Christian.  This is a Christian country, as certain other parts of the world are certain other religions. HOWEVER, don't come here thinking to change our nation to some other religion, because even mild-mannered folks like me will remind you who lives here. 
      June 17, 2018 7:58 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Freedom of religion is in the Constitution bh. That means there is NO STATE RELIGION. That means whatever religion you embrace is your right. It also means you don't impose YOUR religion on others. There is no one religion that is better than another. So-called Christians. The ones that support evil whilst they go to church, quote Bible verses and self-righteously harm others? They are not in the service of the Christian GOD. No matter what they say or think all racists/bigots STINK and many of them sadly are the so-called "Christians" of whom I speak. Just my opinion. Thank you for your reply,
      June 22, 2018 4:18 AM MDT