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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I have THE FINAL SOLUTION! Have firing squads along the border and shoot them dead as they approach or gas them to death or both. Y NOT?

I have THE FINAL SOLUTION! Have firing squads along the border and shoot them dead as they approach or gas them to death or both. Y NOT?

King don and the rat pack don't want them here. They will keep coming as long as they live so take away their lives and bingo!. Plus it will be whole lot cheaper and it will also provide a fine reality show for those who are descended from the folks who ate and drank and debauched about as Christians were being attacked by lions. It's a sure thing policy. They flee certain thinking they will be safe. Take that away so their only choice is do they want to be murdered by their own countrymen or murdered by foreigners. It is probably kinder as well. Not that kinder is ever on any agenda for King don and the rat pack. So we save money. Those that are murdered can't keep coming back. We also can make big bucks by having it put on PAY TV in all its glory! I don't know why King don and the rat pack didn't think of that. They can have that solution for free.  I don't need a royalty or Finder's Fee. SIGH

Posted - June 20, 2018


  • Or better yet, repeal all Federal, state and local law concerning murder, rape and robbery and institute the law of the jungle. Geez Louise, what a lot of tripe. If this is the best argument one can muster for the debate, maybe it's time to stay out of the debate altogether. 
      June 20, 2018 5:01 AM MDT