Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The SH** hit the fan vis a vis the ZERO TOLERANCE position. The promulgaters stink of it and are covered with it. Do they know?
It could hit the fan again when all the people start suing the Admiration/Trump for illegal detention and mental stress. I just watched a talk show and one of the guests was the lawyer that arranged to have 100's of lawyers show up at airports when Trump put the travel ban in place (if you recall children were separated from their parents then too). Anyway that same lawyer and many others are now representing the prisoned border immigrants and there are many law suits in the works. Cheers!
That is awesome to hear m'dear. You know King RAT the dic(tator) canceled the program that provided lawyers for immigrant children very quietly in May. The bas**rd! I hope to he** he gets buried in lawsuits and buried in bad press and buried by Mueller and buried by all his corrupt pals telling the truth once and for all! The damage he done to our country may be permanent. The damage he has done to those children will be permanent. He is SATAN's best helper. May he rot in HE**! Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)