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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Miami Mayor Fracis Suarez was DENIED ACCESS to a "detention" facility in his community. How can you deny access to the MAYOR legally?

Miami Mayor Fracis Suarez was DENIED ACCESS to a "detention" facility in his community. How can you deny access to the MAYOR legally?

The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is doing wrong and trying to hide it by denying access to it. HOW DARE THEY? What evil is going on behind the walls and chain link fences and tents that a local official is NOT ALLOWED to witness it? What is happening to the children who are being treated like things.  Is anyone out there concerned at all about any of it? Anyone anywhere? SIGH.  :(  

Posted - June 21, 2018


  • 6023
    Same way you deny access to prisons to anyone without proper permission to be there.
    You can't just show up and demand a tour.

    Maybe he should have gone with a Congressperson, since it's a federal facility. This post was edited by Walt O'Reagun at June 21, 2018 10:59 AM MDT
      June 21, 2018 10:25 AM MDT

  • 113301
    A US SENATOR from Florida showed up and was denied access as well. He was told he had to fill out a form and WAIT TWO WEEKS. Does that seem reasonable to YOU or does it seem like they have a lot to hide and are very afraid to let people in on the spot without notice?  Maybe you are very trusting Walt. I have no idea whom you are. I am very suspicious of people who are not open. If someone puts off access to something for any reason I am immediately wondering WHY? If your home is messy and a friend shows up do you invite him in or push him away so you can "straighten up"?  I'm gonna ask that question.I don't trust any of them but you defend them so apparently you do. Different strokes. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday to thy (it rhymes)! :)
      June 21, 2018 10:56 AM MDT

  • 6023

    I don't know the security requirements for a "detention center".
    So I'm just going off what I know of prisons and jails.
    Those limit who can just walk in ... and you are strictly limited where you can go ... for obvious reasons.

    Personally, if I have to take all day to get a number and wait in line at the DMV to renew my license ... I don't see why it should be any different to get in the country legally.

    Of course, I'd also favor sending special forces and assassination teams to "take care of" the drug gangs that are the reason so many people are fleeing those countries.  Seems to me, it would be a lot less expensive for us.

      June 21, 2018 1:51 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I don't either Walt. For the general public. Take a number. Stand in line. Wait your turn. Although we make appointments with our local DMV and never stand in line and wait our turn. But that is a different issue. I am talking about the MAYOR here. Not an everyday citizen. The Mayor or the Governor or a State Senator or a State Representative or the President is not on the same playing field as thee and me. In my opinion. They are elected to represent we the people. They are supposed to serve us and look out for us and have our best interests as their goal. I know that sounds sappy and idealistic but that's me. They have license and privilege we don't. I think they should have access to everything all the time without making appointments. You know grocery stores have "Secret  Shoppers" who go in as a normal customer and take notes. And then report whatever findings they have to some regulatory board. Selling outdated dairy products is a NO NO for example. They don't make appointments to warn people in advance. That would kill the purpose. They don't fill out a form and wait two weeks. I think it stinks it sucks and it is beyond suspicious. They are hiding something. Something very bad. In my opinion. Sorry for the long response but this whole thing is the most sickening depraved and evil anything I've ever heard of anywhere at anytime. In America. My country. To say I am thankful my parents and grandparents (who fled their countries to give their children a better life) are not alive to witness this tragedy is an understatement. I am devastated depressed and deeply sad. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday.
      June 22, 2018 2:55 AM MDT

  • 6023
    You may be surprised.
    I used to work in restaurants in Oregon ... their inspectors actually DO call and tell you when they are going to be coming a couple weeks in advance.  Schools and Healthcare facilities actually get a few months notice, before a visit by inspectors or accreditation teams.  (I don't know if other states are the same.)
      June 22, 2018 7:23 AM MDT

  • 113301
    They aren't Walt. We have a very dear friend who is now retired whose job it was to make surprise inspections at various restaurants including some of the most high-priced and well-known. He would shut down a restaurant on the spot and put a notice in the window with a grade of C or whatever. He gave the restaurant a certain amount of time to rectify the problems and they knew when he was coming back. That graded card stayed in the window and the restaurant remained closed until Bob went back to check and give his approval. It curled our hair to hear what he found at even the more high-classed joints. We VERY RARELY eat out now. He worked for the Los Angeles Department of Health and part of his territory was  Beverly Hills. Unexpected inspections was all he ever did except when he went back to make sure they had complied with his findings. There were some restaurants that were always problems. I guess people will try to get away with whatever they can for as long as they can. Human nature! Do you live in Oregon? Our oldest son used to live in Springfield(lives in Buckeye, Arizona now) and we visited him about 20 years ago. What a gorgeous state! Thank you for your reply! :)
      June 22, 2018 7:32 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I live in WA ... but work in OR.
    I've also lived in OR, at various times.

    I have been fired from two restaurants, for following state health guidelines against management's wishes.
    I got both those management teams replaced by "whistle blowing" to the state and corporate offices.
    I know a bunch of bad stuff goes down in restaurants ... but figure it's better odds than flying, so I take my chances.  LOL
      June 22, 2018 8:03 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Wow! Nothing better/straighter/truer than the info you get from "the horse's mouth" so to speak. No I'm not saying you're a horse m'dear.  So you are a Whistleblower! GOOD FOR YOU! Many SOB restaurant owners are bigly cheapskates and whatever is the cheapest way to go they will. I was an in-house accountant for a couple who owned 7 McDonald's Restaurants. In the 12 years I worked for them NONE of them was ever shut down! I think that speaks very well of the training given and followed by the employees!Never been to Washington. I think it's a beautiful state too. Very green with lots of rain like Oregon. Thank you for your reply Walt!
      June 22, 2018 8:45 AM MDT