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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » First Lady Melania Trump is currently at the Texas Border. I guess we'll find out WHY? WHY do you think she is there?

First Lady Melania Trump is currently at the Texas Border. I guess we'll find out WHY? WHY do you think she is there?

It isn't a facility run by HHS. It is a facility contracted out to the Lutheran Church. I wonder. Can Melania visit any one of the 100 detention centers(PRISONS) she chooses or only those that are "approved" for outsiders to see? Something stinks bigly. Is this just another fake phony photo op with paid actors performing for the camera?

Posted - June 21, 2018


  • 6023
    I think it's too see if her hair / makeup products stand up to the heat and humidity.
      June 21, 2018 10:23 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I sure as he** hope not Walt. What bothers me is that it was planned. I'm pretty sure she didn't just show up wherever she wanted to and walked in. For example where she was taken was a contracted facility managed by the Lutheran Church. It was NOT the US government standard-issue "detention"(PRISON) center. They guided her to a "best case" place. All shiny and glittery and politically appealing. What she needs to see is what is in those big box prisons and tent cities that no one is allowed to see. The places where we can only take photos with telephoto lenses because you are not allowed to get in close. Locked up. Out of sight. Who knows what the conditions are inside? You know these children are now spread over 14-17 states (depending on the source of the report). You know a few airlines have refused to participate. American, United and Frontier will not carry these children anywhere. Other businesses are opting out of the drama. Something very insidious and evil is happening in America to "tender age" children. Babies/infants/toddlers. Also we have only seen the inside of one prison where the boys are. What is happening to the girls? It is all scripted and controlled and skewed. The government is holding all the cards. Or at least it was until the people's RAGE took over. But where are we really? Over 2000 kids are somewhere. Some of their parents were already deported. Chances are very good that some children WILL NEVER BE RETURNED to their parents so they will grow up in Foster Homes or orphanages. This government is not only cruel but very stupid dumb inept incompetent and a terrible danger. I see very bad days ahead. The worst is yet to come. SIGH. Thank you for your reply. I guess I m depressed bigly. There is no light I see at the end of the tunnel. It just keeps getting darker and darker and darker. Thank you for your reply.  Apologies for my mental and emotional state. Not your fault of course. Thank you for your reply. See what can happen when you answer a question?  :( This post was edited by RosieG at June 22, 2018 3:09 AM MDT
      June 22, 2018 3:06 AM MDT