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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » THE JACKET is now the focus of the Melania children's prison visit. Either she's dumb as a brick wall or she WAS sending a message. Which?

THE JACKET is now the focus of the Melania children's prison visit. Either she's dumb as a brick wall or she WAS sending a message. Which?

Posted - June 22, 2018


  • 7280
    Rosie, according to the terms of service, I think you are required to respect brick walls----please apologize immediately.
      June 22, 2018 10:11 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You're right. Dumb as mud I have used too. Dumb as a numb crumbum bum?  Dumb as a roach? I dunno. Maybe roaches are very smart. Humpty Dumpty Dumb?  What smart egg sits on a wall at all? Noted. Apologies to all brick walls I may have offended in the past or whom I may offend futurely in case I forget. Think that'll do it? Thank you for your reply tom. Now. How about answering the question? :)
      June 22, 2018 11:18 AM MDT

  • 7280

    I'm going to say either do a recount or "flip a coin."

    Can I say she was dumb enough to try and send an ambiguous message?
      June 26, 2018 8:43 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Here's what I don't get. The jacket nullified the entire visit in my opinion. Why did she leave the comfort of her daily life to visit such a place if she didn't care? It was letting us in on a secret. Telling us not to believe what we saw. She didn't really mean any of it. That's how I looked at it. A fancy dancy dog&pony show and her hubby didn't even mention it at all. So what was it all about? Photo ops were not admirable. They were deplorable. Her jacketed back was the entire thing. We know the place she went to was a setup. A contracted facility managed by the Lutheran Church that was OKAY enough to be filmed. What about the dozens of others NO ONE is allowed to visit? That's where the REAL STORY is. Why the don juan adoring public likes to be thought of a stupid fools I do not know but they seem to get off on it. "We'll see what happens". She is not an adequate First Lady. She should stay out of view and mute. She adds nothing valuable to the dialog. Let her stay in her place and not venture out or speak out. She is just another toady dupe who wears more lipstick than the others. Thank you for your reply tom! :)
      June 27, 2018 3:09 AM MDT

  • 35082
    Personally, I believe because she only wore it on the was a message to tbe media that she does not care what they think about her clothes or shoes or any other attire. Which they love to focus she gave them target to focus on. 
    I actually thought it was funny. And even funnier that the media cannot figure it out.
      June 22, 2018 8:33 PM MDT

  • 17094
    The timing was tactless, to say the least. Insensitive. Wear it on a day when she's not visiting kids separated from their families.
      June 22, 2018 9:29 PM MDT

  • 35082
    I actually kind of agree....I would not have worn it that day myself.  But I do understand her sentiment. 

      June 23, 2018 6:41 AM MDT