Discussion»Questions»Babies and Kids» My three year old grandson is still using a Passy. How do I get him to give it up without world war 3 breaking out?
My grandsons dad is my son. They both live with me since my husband died on Halloween of 2016. My grandsons mother has never really been in the picture , she didnt want to be a mother.
My oldest son didn't want to give up his bottle. I don't recall how old he was anymore, but probably in the late twos or threes. Anyway, one night while he slept, I cut massive holes in all the nipples. I think I ether cut off the tips or just poked extra holes in them. When he asked for a bottle the next day, I gave him one. He "discovered" the issue on his own and we went to the cupboard to check the rest. He wasn't even angry or anything. No fuss or crying. I must have caught it at a sweet stage because he recognized they were all broken on his own and I suggested he throw them away, so that's what he did. That was it. He may have asked for them again later. I seem to recall telling him I'd look for them at the store, but kept "forgetting." I suspect something similar could work for the pacifier.
My grandson gets shuffled around between his great grandmother, mother and father/grandmother (me and my son). We keep him 80% of the time, but its hard to get on the same page when everyone is giving him a passy. Nobody wants to talk about working together to take it away from him, we just keep giving it to him on his demand. lol