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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Among the things King don WHINES about is not being considered an "elite". He thinks he is. Do you want to tell him WHY he isn't?

Among the things King don WHINES about is not being considered an "elite". He thinks he is. Do you want to tell him WHY he isn't?

Posted - June 25, 2018


  • 13071
    Because he has morals, and is not a psychopathic satanic  worshiper who  wants to take over the world !
      June 25, 2018 10:15 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Do you have a passing acquaintance with who is moral and who is not?  A man who separates children from their parents and covers it up by lying about it?  And you believe every spoonfed word.

    I have ants on my porch.   They are living creatures who have a right to be here I guess.  But?  They are pests and in my way.   So, why bother with a humane approach?  I don't have time.  So I buy RAID AND kill THEM.

    So this story has a moral purpose.  To Trump these kids and their parents are ants.  And to you, they are something that needs to be sprayed and forgotten about.  After all, they are not from Ohio or anyplace superior to Central America.  Screw them.  Screw the kids who have no claim in this stake and didn't ask to be born.

    Screw them.  Screw the mentally disabled and the down syndromes and the other kids with lice and malnutrition.  They are pests and don't belong here.

    You are really supporting this because?  Trump says its a LIE.  You are really following a leader that you should be ashamed to follow.

    Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong by the way, lady.  He lied about it and Russia helped foster the lie and guess what?  Putin has him by the red short hairs and you cannot see it, because he told you this decimater of millions is a good guy.  What do you care?  Those millions he killed and Kim Jong Un killed are not from Ohio.

    Who cares?

    So moral. 

    Read this book.  This is what real morality looks like in case you really want to learn.

      June 25, 2018 10:40 AM MDT