Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Saying "I feared for my life" allows you to get away with murder. "It is a matter of national security" gives da prez Carte Blanche. SCARY?

Saying "I feared for my life" allows you to get away with murder. "It is a matter of national security" gives da prez Carte Blanche. SCARY?

The 5-4 vote of the Supremes throwing out lower court stays on enforcing the Muslim ban and allowing da prez to make any laws he want with complete authority changes everything. He is the law of the land. There is no Justice System apart from him. What he says is is. What he says isn't isn't. So that gives racist authoritarianism/white nationalism/populism complete license. It is a dark day in America. How will this complete and absolute power to decide reshape our country?

Posted - June 27, 2018


  • 6477
    Carte Blanche, no, it should never be that way as questioning minds and those who truly have the nation's security and best interests at heart should not stand by while a mad man ruins the country 
      June 27, 2018 3:09 AM MDT

  • 113301
    The Supreme Court upheld his ban on Muslims entering the country Addb. Yesterday. They said that his authority to act on behalf of national security was unlimited. You know what that means, right? All he has to do is say what he is doing is a matter of national security and it will be legal. So the Muslim ban is back and it will be enforced. It is a horrendous thing the Supreme Court did. Ruing in favor of bigotry and racism. It gives the despot dictator authoritarian president all the ammunition he needs to turn America into a 3rd world country..a banana republic. A black day.  Thank you for your reply! :)
      June 27, 2018 3:56 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Yea I know what that means.. and I read you said 5-4 - I just couldn't believe it.. still can't. So this mean, the jokes when he was first elected about him having a bad dream or throwing a hissy fit and starting a war were really NO joke :(
      June 27, 2018 4:07 AM MDT

  • 113301
    No sweetie. The joke's on us! It is real and it is here and I have no idea how we will survive it. Stay tuned. Thank you for your reply Addb! :)
      June 27, 2018 4:42 AM MDT