Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Anyone see/hear the spectacle provided by Republicns hammering away at Rosenstein? Disgraceful lapdogs for da prez. How many are there?

Anyone see/hear the spectacle provided by Republicns hammering away at Rosenstein? Disgraceful lapdogs for da prez. How many are there?

Accusations that were unfounded and rebutted. Out and out lies. Disrespectful pounding. Frantic. Erratic. "UNHINGED". A shocking display of puppetry. Da prez holds the strings and all the puppets perform are ordered to. One guy asked if Rosenstein had subpoened "phone calls" and was told "there is no way to subpoena phone calls". One after another he shot them down but they didn't notice. All scripted and prepped and loaded for bear their only job was to protect despot don no matter how ridiculous or how humiliating. Amazing. And all these folks somehow managed to get through life before they got the job of despot don protector? HOW?

Posted - June 29, 2018


  • The so called "lap dogs" could have torn both of them to shreds but didn't. It was a disappointment overall. It never went far enough. Interesting that you find the whole session disrespectful, frantic, erratic and unhinged. However, if this was the rabid left doing the questioning in an impeachment proceeding, you'd somehow find praise and adulation for the same. Your question is reminiscent of talking to ten people watching a train wreck and getting ten different stories of what happened. I don't know what you watched. Must have been a summer rerun.
      June 29, 2018 5:49 AM MDT

  • 35082
    I have seen bits and pieces but seen nothing unhinged. 
    Seen Morning Joe going on about angry Republicans...but the clips played did not show that???
      June 29, 2018 6:30 AM MDT