Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Some rumours never die. Chief of State Kelly and da prez are tired of each other. Kelly will leave in July. If true who should replace him?
Kelly doesn't need to be replaced. Trump can take on the responsibilities himself and that way, he won't have to argue with someone who has a different opinion.
She is a dutiful daughter who never goes against her daddy dearest. In other words she is completely useless . Thank you for your reply L and Happy Saturday! :)
Happy Monday, Rosie. :) We're in for another hazy, hot and humid day here in NYC. I have to go out later and do some food shopping. I've been in for three days because it's just too hot out. I don't know how people live in the tropics when it's like this every day.
Are you affected by the wildfires I saw on TV last night? I hope not.
Hi sweetie. We did that yesterday. Today is the first day of Wimbledon! Coverage began at 4am our time. Today's high will be 93. Not too bad. BUT beginning Thursday temps will be 100, 110, 109, 101! AARRGGHH! I'm doing simple today. Egg salad, cantaloupe, cheerries. Have some hummus we'll have with carrots and some Smithfield ham I'm gonna braise a bit and have with swiss cheese on rye. Maybe a simple salad. Nothing to heat up the kitchen. Enjoy your food shopping. No wildfires near us and I haven't heard about them yet. Will check it out.! Happy Monday backatcha! :) ((hugs))
Sounds good. I bought a lot of stuff that doesn't need to be cooked. Made egg salad yesterday so there was plenty left, cheeses, hummus and crackers, Caesar salad max to which I add chicken, cherry tomatoes and shredded carrots. I got home about an hour ago and it was beastly out. Fortunately, I remembered to bring my shopping cart with me in the trunk so I didn't have to make several trips to bring everything upstairs. Now, I'm just going to chill out and try to cool off. I think they may have cut power because I've got both A/Cs going at 65 degrees and I can't get it below 78 in the house! Happy Monday. :)
Geez L we ARE a lot alike aren't we? Amazing I think. Do you ever opt for having power cut off during the summer? Every year we get an "offer" that will save us money if we agree to let the electric company cycle our electricity on and off when they think it's necessary. We're too old to live in a house that would get up to the high 90's without AC in summer. Today the high will be 90! Not bad. But Friday it will be 111! I'm not interested in saving a few bucks. What good would it do us if we die from the heat? Of course retirees are home a lot. I expect folks who have jobs and aren't home during the day when it gets the hottest would benefit from it PROVIDING they have no pets in the house. It just wouldn't work for us! My favorite salad in the whole world is CAESAR. Do you have a killer recipe for it? I use the recipe in a book I got decades ago called "The Garlic Loveer's cookbook". It's very tasty but I'm always open to more delicious. Keep cool, relax, chill. Literally! Thank you for your reply m'dear and Happy Tuesday! :)
We don't have the option of having our power cut. I think the power company just cuts all of it back when the demand is too high - doesn't cut it off completely. I agree that it's not worth saving a few buck and having to deal with the heat. It's been very hot this past week and I can't imagine doing without A/C when I'm home.
I love Caesar salad, but I'm lazy. I buy the bagged salad with all the trimmings in it already then add my own ingredients - chicken, shredded carrots, cherry tomatoes and this mix that I get with candied pecans and dried cherries to top it all off. The bag makes two meals, one I have for dinner and the other I take for lunch.
Years ago there was a restaurant near our work where many of us had lunch. You could eat there or do take out. They had a KILLER Caesar salad. It was so good I never got past ordering it to try anything else. The menu was fairly simple..mostly chicken, beef or pasta. I wasn't the only one who was hooked on the Caesar Salad. Candied pecans and dried cherries in Caesar Salad? Garlicky sweets? Hmmm. I love walnuts and dried cranberries. In fact I made some cookies a few days ago with whole grain flour, bran flakes, shredded carrots, coconut, pineapple, walnuts and Craisins! Healthy cooky and very filling too. Oh. This is a bit off topic but HOW something is prepared matters big time. I used to dislike "orange chicken" . Too icky sweet and orangy. But our local Panda Express makes it differently and I really like it. It is not orangy, not too sweet and addictive! Who knew? Have a Happy and safe Independence Day L! :)
That all sounds yummy. I think I like Romaine lettuce best of all. I add Craisins to plain yogurt sometimes and to chicken salad along with walnuts. Delish.
Have a safe and Happy Fourth!
EDIT: spelling
This post was edited by SpunkySenior at July 4, 2018 5:53 AM MDT
We stopped using any Romaine Lettuce after the L choli (sp?) scare. Stopped cold. We use spinach instead. It works beautifully. Years ago we used to eat a lot of alfalfa sprouts in sandwiches. Then there was some kind of bacterial or virusy outbreak and we stopped eating it. I don't see it in the markets any more and haven't for years. Spinach works well in BLT sandwiches...BST sandwiches. It makes for a nifty salad. Of course steamed with butter, salt and pepper spinach is always good. I don't know when or if I'll try Romaine again. We love plain yogurt. Greek style. Walmart store brand is quite tasty. Jim isn't fond of the sweet kind so unless I have a coupon I never buy it. We try to avoid sugar. I add walnuts to things too. Chicken and turkey salads included. Have a safe day yourself m'dear! Tally ho! :)
I stopped buying Romaine, too, for a while. It's supposedly safe to eat now. I like the crunch of it as opposed to spinach which has no real texture. I never took to sprouts - to me it has an earthy taste, which I don't care for. Same for artichokes. I like spinach sauteed, but I've never tried it on a sandwich. Have to give it a try. I like the Greek yogurt, too, but I like a little sweetness to it. Dannon puts our a Greek one that has some interesting flavors and it's about 80 calories. You have a safe day and enjoy. :)
We enjoy it too. In fact a few years ago we were with the oldest son and his family and dropped by a fast-food joint just to grab a bite on our way to the Aquarium in Oregon where they lived when we visited. There was a salad shown made with Romaine Lettuce per the picture and that's what Jim ordered. When he got his order guess what? Iceberg lettuce was there but no Romaine! So he took it back and asked why the photo showed one thing and they delivered another thing? I don't remember what he settled for but they apologized profusely. Maybe we'll try Romaine again. Food safety is something I just always took for granted. But with King don's purposeful evisceration of all rules/regs (gutting the EPA and the FDA for starters) there are fewer inspectors to inspect the meds, cosmetics (which I don't wear) and food. SIGH. Thank you for your reply L and Happy Thursday! :)
Big difference between iceberg and Romaine! It turned out that the source of the E.coli in Arizona was from the irrigation water being contaminated. I don't know how that happens or why it wasn't discovered sooner. Yes, food safety is always a concern and I'm not happy that regulations have been cut back.
I knew they had located the source L but I didn't know the details. Thanks for the info . I appreciate it. Don't they test everything all the time? I mean something can be okey dokey today and deathly tomorrow. What next I wonder? :(
I just wonder how much folks who are supposed to look out for us attack their jobs seriously? I mean it's life or death in some cases which is about as serious a responsibility as there can be. Thank you for your reply L and Happy Friday! :)