Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» 2,047 kids have STILL NOT BEEN REUINITED with their parents. I hope all parents SUE King don. Are there 2,047 lawyers who will pro bono?
There is already a lot of free lawyers on the case and in 10 more days when the children under 5 can't be returned to their parents because proper records weren't kept there will be lots of law suits filed. Cheers and happy weekend!
Really Nanoose? You wouldn't kid me wouldja? Gosh that is AWFULLY GOOD TO KNOW! You a Canadian informing me about what the he** is going on in my country. See why I LOVE Canadians? Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
Well I would kid you but when I was done I would say - just kidding or just goofing around. Here is something else you might not know - there is a company that's willing to supply DNA kites to help get the kids back to their parents. I think that's heart felt niceness of the company but I think it's horrible that there might be a need for it because the government didn't bother to keep proper records. Cheers and happy weekend!
Cool. Deal. Everything about the King don reign is grotesque Satan is very happy with his servant. Who could ask for anything more? Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)