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Do the careless care less? Are you one of them?

Posted - June 30, 2018


  • 6477
    I am definitely one of the caring ones. I care too much but I agree that only those who don't care can sit by and let things go to rack and ruin, to damage my country still further in world standing. 
      July 1, 2018 2:13 AM MDT

  • 113301
     The number of cold-hearted cruel people in the world always amazes me. Just as in the movie theaters years ago I could never figure out why some in the audience cheered for the BAD GUYS. That's who the King don subjects are. The folks who get off on supporting the bad guys. Which has gotta mean they are bad guys too right? How could anyone support anything/anyone he/she despised? They don't despise anything about him. They love every hair on his body and every wrinkle and every pound of fat and every part of his brain that has atrophied through disuse. He doesn't read. He doesn't listen. He has ZERO interest in learning about anything or getting better at anything or being better. He is the GREAT I AM just as he is. Used to be only GOD was that. Now? Well considering that so many folks go against their religions to support him that is the only conclusion there is. Thank you for your reply Addb! :)
      July 1, 2018 3:40 AM MDT

  • 6477
    I cannot disagree with any of that.. especially the part about supporting bad guys :(
      July 1, 2018 3:53 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You know many years ago when I was a teen my mom and I had a conversation about that. She liked tough guy movies stars. She was particularly fond of Charles Bronson. I don't know if you know whom that is Addb. When I was 3 I fell in love with Humphrey Bogart...a former tough guy who morphed into someone else. The movie I saw had him flying over the home where his wife and child lived. They were living on the outskirts of a war and it was his son's birthday so he wanted to drop a gift/letter from the plane. He dies on his son's birthday and so someone else flies over and drops it. That really hit me hard. After that he was my hero! I was drawn more to Gary Cooper or Jimmy Stewart. Gentle and sweet rather than a tough guy. There is nothing about "tough guys" that appeals to me. I have always avoided "bad boys". Some folks are drawn to them. Why I cannot understand. They treat people abominably badly and I guess those who love them get off on being treated badly. Who knows? Thank you for your reply Addb! :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 6, 2018 1:45 PM MDT
      July 5, 2018 5:06 AM MDT

  • 6477
    I was never into bad boys either.. because the truth is that they aren't cool, smart or great.. they are just BAD as in ill-mannered, poorly raised and with no respect.. 
      July 6, 2018 1:47 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Precisely! Different strokes Addb! My Jim is the antithesis of a bad boy. He is a great guy. Why spend your time with the dregs of humanity and the worst of the breed (men) when you can hold your ground and wait for a GOOD man? I'd far rather be alone on my own than stuck with a jerk like King don for sure. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday!  :)
      July 7, 2018 3:54 AM MDT

  • 6098
    But we cannot fix all the "rack and ruin" in the world.  That has always gone on and will always go on.  All we can do is, as individuals, help to alleviate a small part of it in our own corners.  A government cannot act as our conscience because a government, being a corporate body, has no conscience.  Only we as individuals do.  

    I learned many years ago that people around the world "hate" us because they are jealous of our freedoms.  And that it is a structural thing with most people - they exist and relate to one another by hating us.  It binds them together. Therefore I think the best I can do is enjoy the freedom I have been given in a responsible way that sets a standard for people rather than mocking them. 

      July 5, 2018 5:57 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Too true we cannot fix all the world's or even the country's ailments.. and we can only act as individuals.. but that's exactly why we, as individuals should have that strong moral compass..we cannot change a lot of things but to turn a blind eye, to condone and excuse bad behaviour makes us complicit.. and part of the problem.. if we excuse and dont speak out or take a stand when we see wrongdoing... then we are actively allowing... 

    People all round the world???Jealous???? I have heard Americans express those sentiments.. I am afraid it's really not true. .just something your people seem to be being fed... All part of the hype which persists because most Americans really don't know much about what goes on in the rest of the world. With respect the banding together in hatred is also a fairy story.. When people are jealous of something they fight to obtain it.. in a similar way someone once expressed the view that the working class would come together in strength and would overrules the rich middle and upper class.. NO that wouldn't happen because at heart all the poor people want is to have the same privileges... They don't want to fight it.. just to be the same.. In the case of freedom most of the rest of the western world has similar if not more freedom.. and that's a huge chunk of the world for a start.. China don't hate America.. they just want to make money from them and gain more power and world standing to fill the shoes that America once filled.. like the poor people wanting to be the same as the rich ones..  
    I am sorry but for answers as to why America is hated one would have to look elsewhere.. 
      July 6, 2018 1:43 PM MDT