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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » In the olden days we used to feel safe/be safe almost every place. Especially schools and churches. No more. Is safe gone forever?

In the olden days we used to feel safe/be safe almost every place. Especially schools and churches. No more. Is safe gone forever?

Posted - July 1, 2018


  • 35082
    Actually deadlu shooting at schools are down from the peak in the 1990s.

      July 1, 2018 9:13 AM MDT

  • 10801
    In the "olden days" people had more respect.  Not everyone of course, there've always been nefarious people.  However, thesedays respect seems to be a lost art (?).  Over the past several decades many parents stopped teaching their children to have respect.  Instead they taught, "If anyone wrongs you seek revenge", "might makes right", "always look out for #1".  Not merely by their words, but by there actions as well (children learn from seeing).  All it takes is a few to start.  Then those few teach their children who in turn teach their children... and so on.  But those few also teach their friends along the way.  Others may copy them so as not to stand out (peer pressure).  And so it spreads.
    Now it's not safe to walk the streets, to to to church or school or even work.  Even the home isn't safe from violence.  They're all places where vengeance can be easily taken (if anyone else gets in the way that's their problem).  And it's not just "punk kids" doing this, it's adults as well.
    As long as this crap is taught and tolerated, safety will never return.  
      July 1, 2018 9:20 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You're right. Long ago in a faraway day people used to be neighborly. Watch out for one another. Help out one another. There were block parties and potluck suppers and picnics and friendly cordial interactions. Then a blight came over the world. The "what's in it for me?" folks began speaking up. Ayn Rand (selfish is good. greed is good.) devotees began practicing what she preached. There were Ayn Rand Institutes where "teachers" promulgated that crap. And these folks kept having babies and brainwashing them into "thinking" that. Here's a question I'm gonna ask. "Does a brainwashed brain have the capacity to think? How?" I'm gonna ask it now. So we are not in the control of the "selfish me first screw you" folks and I don't know how long it will be before the pendulum swings back to normal. Thank you for your thoughtful analysis Shuhak! :)
      July 28, 2018 4:16 AM MDT