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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "He has to keep energizing his base". WHY? Aren't they all on steroids? Ever seen them at their rallies?

"He has to keep energizing his base". WHY? Aren't they all on steroids? Ever seen them at their rallies?

Posted - July 3, 2018


  • 6477
    Are we sure energising is the right word :P He whips them up to a frenzy... and why does he do that? Well lots of reasons but mainly because he can... most of them really aren't very bright.. so they are really easy to whip up into a frothing foaming frenzy.... They are like little wind up toys.. like in the cartoons a whole army of mad robots :P 

    Most of these people cannot think for themselves.. well let's face it if they think Trump has ANY answers and stands for intelligence... they must really need to be told what to do, what to think and what to get excited about. 
      July 3, 2018 1:14 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It was what I heard someone on TV say Addb. That's why I put it in quotes. I agree with thee. He whips them into a frenzy but he doesn't need to whip at all. They show up already frenzied. He keeps using the same words and phrases which is what causes me to think he is Autistic. Autistic people keep repeating words and phrases and keep repeating the same behavior. Whereas most of us move on he is stuck right where he began in campaign mode and is most at home on stage in front of his adoring worshippers who never tire of the sameoldsameoldsameoldsameold which causes me to think many of them may be similarly Autistic. Like is drawn to like. Whatever it is about him they adore/worship is elusive to me. They can't get enough of him as boring and repetitive and dull as he is. Over and over and over and over and over..same words. Same "thoughts". Same targets. Same whining/complaining/kvetching. Predictably.  But his rabid base NEVER TIRES of it. Simple words. His vocabulary is limited. He doesn't have to talk down to them. He is down there too. Oh well. They choose it. No one forces them to go nuts over him. Let's see what he does today to make amurrica great again. Happy American Independence Day to thee  Addb! :)
      July 4, 2018 4:02 AM MDT