Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » OF COURSE the RUSSIAN hacking affected the election outcome. It affected what people thought of Hillary didn't it?

OF COURSE the RUSSIAN hacking affected the election outcome. It affected what people thought of Hillary didn't it?

What people thought of Hillary affected how they voted. SO CLEARLY AND OBVIOUSLY the hacking and lying and faking and phony balonies pretending to be Americans on FB and other places affected the election outcome. Why is that such a difficult thing to comprehend? It does not take a genius to understand how that works. ALSO the two Comey memos affected the election outcome(because it affected what people thought of Hillary). And ALSO the fact that Strzok kept his mouth shut and didn't leak the info that Trump and his campaign was being investigated at the same time for its collusion with Russia. That would have been a biggy but Strzok kept his mouth shut. So the perfect storm of Russian Collusion (fake phony pretend lies), the Comey  memos and Strzok silence bonded together to make it a slam dunk for trump. Lucky him unlucky us. SIGH.

Posted - July 14, 2018


  • 6098
    As soon as the liberals win that will become gospel and all the history books will be rewritten to say that.  Which is called revisionism.  Blame it all on "the Russians".   They don't seem to want to accept that Clinton was not an attractive candidate to many people for a number of reasons.  That upsets their sensibilities. 
      July 14, 2018 6:26 AM MDT

  • 35077
    Actually, I don't believe the hacking had much to do with it at all. Those were all released in the summer and people who could have been swayed by those don't pay any attention at that time. Do you remember even one email that was hacked or whose they were? They were not Hillary's.

    Comeys letter saying he was reopening the investigation did hurt her. But so did the Access Hollywood hurt Trump. It is politics it gets rough in October. 

    I think by the end of it most people could not defend either ones personal actions so it was an election that truly came down to the issues more so than any other in recent history. 
      July 14, 2018 7:19 PM MDT