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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Can you imagine 12 US Military Officers engaged in taking down a Russian presidential candidate? Putin's boys did that to us! Kudos?.

Can you imagine 12 US Military Officers engaged in taking down a Russian presidential candidate? Putin's boys did that to us! Kudos?.

The indicted are all Russian Military officers

Victor Netyksho RMO (Russian Military officer)
Major Boris Antonov
Dmitriy Badin, RMO
Ivan Yermakov, RMO
Sr. Lt. Aleksay Lukashov
Lt. Col. Sergey Morgachev
Lt. Captain (?) Nocolay Kozachek
Pavel Yershov, RMO
2nd Lt. Artem Malyshev
Col. Aleksandr Osadchuk
Aleksey Potemkin, RMO
Anatoliy Kovale, RMO

Their crimes?
Conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States
Aggravated Identity Theft
Computer Fraud
Conspiracy to Launder Money 

Hacked one State Board of Election and stole info on 500,000 Americans including their names, addresses, partial social security numbers, dates of birth and drivers' license numbers

Posted - July 15, 2018


  • 6477
    Russia would never allow that and everyone knows it. So perhaps Russia is smarter than the US ? What we do know is that Russia do this all the time.. WE know it and have teams preventing, and monitoring.. so does the US just sit by and allow it?Even though Russia is a very powerful country and a former enemy? Or is this like the films.. where the baddies are always making deals with the even baddier only to find out they were played? 

    Anyone who doesn't know and accept that Russia are doing these things... is very naive and, imo in danger
      July 15, 2018 5:58 AM MDT

  • 113301
    North Kore's Kim is smarter than the nappy baby blimp. Kim can think circles around the nbb. He did and got stuff from us and we got nothing from him. Same with Putin. He is ever so much smarter than the nappy baby blimp. Is he more cruel? I doubt it. The nappy baby blimp sees Putin as an idol/hero just as he sees all other murderous despot dictators like Kim, Duterte, Assad, Erdogan and all extreme right-wing nationalist populists worldwide. He idenfies with them and dislikes all the others. He wants to be them.  He never will be. Copycats and facsimilies are never as good as the originals.  Thank you for your thoughtful reply Addb! :)
      July 15, 2018 6:23 AM MDT