Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » For those of you near BEND, OREGON the last Blockbuster Video store in the world is there. When it closes may it RIP. Agree?

For those of you near BEND, OREGON the last Blockbuster Video store in the world is there. When it closes may it RIP. Agree?

Posted - July 15, 2018


  • 7939
    I didn't realize they were down to only one store. I worked for them while I was going to school and worked there during the "big change" in how people consumed media. Netflix was around before, but it didn't really become a threat until the early 2000s. Blockbuster really tried everything, including creating their own movie and game passes. I really loved that job- especially the pass customers because I'd see them sometimes every day or two. It was arguably the only job I've ever had where nobody ever got mad over anything. All the customers were happy. The employees were happy. I watched all the locations near me shut down and it was sad. I was actually talking to one of my former employees last week and we both agreed it was the best job ever. I wish they could have made it, but I guess a sign of the times. RIP indeed. 
      July 15, 2018 1:14 PM MDT

  • 113301
    As I mentioned to Addb Jim and I used to visit our local BLOCKBUSTER store weekly. We had an account there. You are totally completely 100% correct when you say everyone was happy. Customers, employees, the store owners. Meandering around the store in the different sections checking out what was available was akin to visiting the library and checking out what books were available to read or going to a book store and spending hours among the books and going home with some treasures. All sadly changed. Now you srteam movies on your TV or computer or cell phone. You read books on your Kindle or whatever might have replaced it. You can do everything in the comfort of your home including becoming more and more isolated from "out there". Progress comes at a price. SIGH. Thank you for your reply JA and Happy Monday! :)
      July 16, 2018 3:32 AM MDT

  • 6477
    We had Blockbuster here too.. I was very fond of it and love the concept.. there's something far more special about going to choose a film, taking it home and watching that you just don't get with watching on tv.. 
      July 15, 2018 2:18 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Years ago Jim and I used to have an account at our local BLOCKBUSTER store and we'd go there every week and spend time looking at all the choices. We'd rent a couple of them to watch on the weekends. It was always something to which we looked forward. But of course live streaming movies on your TV killed all of that. I guess you can do the same thing on your computer or cell phone. So just as libraries and book stores are no longer what they used to be BLOCKBUSTER's useful life apparently is at an end. Sadly. Sometimes progress sucks. Thank you for your reply Addb! :)
      July 16, 2018 3:27 AM MDT