Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Two hours. How many orders did Putin give trump? What's next on the Putin plan for trump to achieve? What orders did trump receive?
It's simple. Putin has a TAPE of TRUMP. He has a TAPE of blackmail on TRUMP.
It is the White Elephant in the room. Hookers peeing. Someone could have spiked something Trump drank. The Russians are KNOWN to video and blackmail high officials. Trump is known for smoozing with Russians in Russia and doing big money deals. I'm sure it is not a big stretch to realize this could have been achieved during some party.
That and the fact that.... Russia swung the election. Putin has enough on Trump to put Trump away for GOOD.
I think it shows Comrade trump in full frontal nudity and we can see how teeny tiny his "private part" be and that is what terrifies him. Not prostitutes peeing golden showers on a mattress or on him. But his itsy bitsy teeny tiny private part. You know how enraged he gets about his small hands? Well his small private part being exposed like that is what he is willing to sell out his country to protect. A weeny teeny tiny private part. If it were big and bold and MASCULINE he'd probably want it out there so he could brag about that with pictures to prove it. He is easy to read. Hard to take. Perfect combination of monstrous demon and ignorantly arrogant blowhard and we have him! We clearly have something to atone for and he is our punishment. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at July 17, 2018 4:21 AM MDT