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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A bi-lateral press conference is about to be held. Wonder if da prez will answer questions about Russian meddling and confront Putin openly?

A bi-lateral press conference is about to be held. Wonder if da prez will answer questions about Russian meddling and confront Putin openly?

Putin knows all the pressure points of world leaders. He knows Angela Merkel is TERRIFIED of dogs so he brought his into a meeting with her. He knows where all the warts and Achilles heel(s) of trump are and of course is using them to get complete obedience from him in public in private between the sheets and elsewhere. An obedient useful idiot is about the best Putin could have hoped for and the lucky got exactly what he wanted! A made-to-order obediently servile servant.

Posted - July 16, 2018


  • 46117
    President Trump would sell Ivanka to white slavers before he would EVER denigrate Putin.   Melania too.  She has already probably been threatened that's why she is Trump's prison wife. 

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at July 17, 2018 4:29 AM MDT
      July 16, 2018 9:10 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Without a doubt. He has contempt and disdain for all women. He is in love with men. Strong hard tough controlling men. Methinks sexually he would be the masochist and Putin would be the sadist Turns him on big time. I remember on several occasions Comrade trump was especially disgusting. Once on a show when Marla had just given birth to Tiffany he was asked about his new daughter and Comrade Trump said he wanted his daughter to have the same nice breasts that Marla had. Then on another show when Ivanka was with him the host something about how beautiful Ivanka was and I don't recall the exact language he used but he said if he weren't her dad he'd probably date her. Then two of the prostitutes he slept with said he told them that they reminded him of his daughter. He did not say which one but we assume it was Ivanka since he never talks about Tiffany at all. As if she doesn't exist. I don't know how big her breasts are now that she is fully developed. Maybe she is a disapointment to him physically. SIGH. Anyway a more disgusting man does not exist on the planet. Everyone says so! Thank you for your reply Sharon and the graphic. This post was edited by RosieG at July 17, 2018 4:37 AM MDT
      July 17, 2018 4:36 AM MDT