Are ya pretty sure about that tom? When he "tells the truth" it seems to be inadvertent and I'd rate it 99.9 lie to .1 not a lie. Of course your grasp of stuff like that is better than mine so you might very well be right. It's just that even if/when on the rare occasion Comrade Bonespur tells a truth it sounds like a lie. I don't know why. Yes I do. I don't trust him. Now he weighs probably 300 lbs and could just crush me (I'm about 120) by sitting on me. So I can't say I trust him as far as I can throw him because the mammoth body is unmovable for someone like me. So I will say I don't trust him 100% to do anything that is good and right and noble and just and fair. If it occurs accidentally while he is doing his due diligence to destroy and damage and defame and denigrate I give him no credit at all for that. SIGH. Thank you for your reply! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at July 18, 2018 3:15 AM MDT